… ml#0g3JfLz
No sor, we just stole it, sor, put the gun down sor, … ml#0g3JfLz
No sor, we just stole it, sor, put the gun down sor,
Should have blown the effin’ thing up
Hopefully these were the same that “borrowed” some diesel from me last Monday night when I was parked just off jct 3 on the m6. The police stopped a van acting suspiciously that night and arrested someone, but let him loose on bail, with the words " as he is not a uk national, we will probably not see him again"
Well, they’ll be laughing it up in Appleby now…
Can I have his/her number, need some diesel in my car…
There is a guy advertising every week on eBay despite being brought to the attention of the police by a friend who noticed it.
Phantom Mark:
There is a guy advertising every week on eBay despite being brought to the attention of the police by a friend who noticed it.
Advertising what?
“Cheap Diesel for Sale - off the back of a lorry”
I should think.
Lol, bleeders should be stocked and stoned to death in public.
Lol, bleeders should be stocked and stoned to death in public.
Drowned in a tank off stolen Diesel might be justified
I bow to your malevolence Eddie.
Phantom Mark:
There is a guy advertising every week on eBay despite being brought to the attention of the police by a friend who noticed it.Advertising what?
Ah I see, I wondered where that sizzling and hunger inducing smell was coming from
"This Diesel Is My Uncal’s And Came From His Transport Buisness
He Sold The Buissness About A Month Ago"
Hmmm, some interesting spelling and a capital for every word. Just an observation.
This is how we learn.
If you see any scrote nicking diesel, or slashing a curtain, then dial 999 and say you think they are planting a bomb. That will get the right response.
That my friend is a cracking idea lol
Santa, I think I love you
one our driver trainers (shell) reported the men in the van to the police ,so you can blame the tanker driver for that one
Ah I see, I wondered where that sizzling and hunger inducing smell was coming from"This Diesel Is My Uncal’s And Came From His Transport Buisness
He Sold The Buissness About A Month Ago"Hmmm, some interesting spelling and a capital for every word. Just an observation.
And his previous ebay purchases include a driving harness for a pony, again just an observation. Bit of drywash for making biodiesel there aswell.
Wonder if you get a free daggg with every 10 gallons you buy ?