Diesel thieves get the fright of their lives

uk.news.yahoo.com/part-m6-closed … ml#0g3JfLz

No sor, we just stole it, sor, put the gun down sor,

Should have blown the effin’ thing up :imp:

Hopefully these were the same that “borrowed” some diesel from me last Monday night when I was parked just off jct 3 on the m6. The police stopped a van acting suspiciously that night and arrested someone, but let him loose on bail, with the words " as he is not a uk national, we will probably not see him again" :frowning:

Well, they’ll be laughing it up in Appleby now…

Can I have his/her number, need some diesel in my car… :slight_smile:

There is a guy advertising every week on eBay despite being brought to the attention of the police by a friend who noticed it.

Phantom Mark:
There is a guy advertising every week on eBay despite being brought to the attention of the police by a friend who noticed it.

Advertising what?

“Cheap Diesel for Sale - off the back of a lorry”
I should think. :unamused:

Lol, bleeders should be stocked and stoned to death in public.

Lol, bleeders should be stocked and stoned to death in public.

Drowned in a tank off stolen Diesel might be justified :smiling_imp:

I bow to your malevolence Eddie.


Phantom Mark:
There is a guy advertising every week on eBay despite being brought to the attention of the police by a friend who noticed it.

Advertising what?


ebay.co.uk/itm/251257607734? … 1423.l2649

Ah I see, I wondered where that sizzling and hunger inducing smell was coming from :laughing:

"This Diesel Is My Uncal’s And Came From His Transport Buisness
He Sold The Buissness About A Month Ago"

Hmmm, some interesting spelling and a capital for every word. Just an observation.

This is how we learn.

If you see any scrote nicking diesel, or slashing a curtain, then dial 999 and say you think they are planting a bomb. That will get the right response.

That my friend is a cracking idea lol

Santa, I think I love you :smiling_imp:

one our driver trainers (shell) reported the men in the van to the police ,so you can blame the tanker driver for that one

Ah I see, I wondered where that sizzling and hunger inducing smell was coming from :laughing:

"This Diesel Is My Uncal’s And Came From His Transport Buisness
He Sold The Buissness About A Month Ago"

Hmmm, some interesting spelling and a capital for every word. Just an observation.

And his previous ebay purchases include a driving harness for a pony, again just an observation. Bit of drywash for making biodiesel there aswell.

Wonder if you get a free daggg with every 10 gallons you buy ?