Diesel Dave Adr

Need your help please. Do I need orange plates for the following :
150 kg 6 x 25 kg plastic containers of FE 13019 UN 1170 Ethanol solution Packing group 3 ||.
Flashpoint 19 degrees Celsius.
50 kg 5 x 10 kg plastic containers UN1170
FE 13315 Flashpoint 14 degrees Celsius
Gross weight 180kgs
Net weight 179 KGS.
Many Thanks Toby Carvery.

Did my packages over 20 years ago, so not up to date. But even then I did not really understand why I could carry 20tonnes of flammables in lots of 5 liter canz, but not a single tank. Or a 45 gallon drum.

Well this says that the limited quantities is 5l, so I’d guess yes if you are carrying containers of 25l

adrdangerousgoods.com/eng/substa … 70/id-530/

And donkey, it’s so when you have scattered all those relativity small 5l containers across the road, the chances are only a few have split and leaked…

Are there any issues I need to be aware of when it comes to moving scrap which sets off radiation detectors?

Are there any issues I need to be aware of when it comes to moving scrap which sets off radiation detectors?

:laughing: :laughing:

I think Dave’s working today.

Below the 333 kg/ltr “ADR load Limit” for full ADR requirements Toby.

And Mr Ginge, that would rather suggest you’re carrying something radioactive!

Are there any issues I need to be aware of when it comes to moving scrap which sets off radiation detectors?

Yep load becomes dangerous, stop do not leave site, the scrapyard should have procedures for isolating and identify the cause of the radiation reading.
Also prolonged exposure will give you superpowers or cause your knob to drop off. Unless your a lady then one may start to grow… if so PM me where you are so we can swap trailers.

Obviously I was asking in theory… :wink:

A friend of mine maybe did it yesterday. I’m guessing the rear of the trailer where the items were is now ‘dirty’ and will need a jet wash.

But this didn’t happen obviously like O.J Simpson not being a murderer.

Need your help please. Do I need orange plates for the following :
150 kg 6 x 25 kg plastic containers of FE 13019 UN 1170 Ethanol solution Packing group 3 ||.
Flashpoint 19 degrees Celsius.
50 kg 5 x 10 kg plastic containers UN1170
FE 13315 Flashpoint 14 degrees Celsius
Gross weight 180kgs
Net weight 179 KGS.
Many Thanks Toby Carvery.


Sorry mate, I can’t quite make sense of your info. (Maybe I’m tired and I’ve misread it.)

Your Transport Document (or DGN) should say:

UN 1170 ETHANOL SOLUTION, 3, (and then either PGII or PGIII)

It looks to me that there are some typos/mistakes in the info you gave because both of your flashpoints would suggest that you’re carrying PGII, but you wrote "Packing group 3 ||. " :confused:
From what you wrote, it looks like the Class number has been swopped for the Packing Group number.
Could you clarify please?

I’m guessing that 6 X 25L = 150L
(That’ll probably be litres because ethanol solution is a liquid and ADR isn’t bothered about the weight of liquids.)
To which we add 5 X 10L = 50L giving a total of 200L.
[We will need the exact PackingGroup(s) for the two lots please]

I’ll then swop you an answer for an answer. :smiley:

Also, is there a % figure given for Alcohol by Volume please? (Depending on the figure, this might be relevant.)

A gut feeling tells me that I’m shading towards that load not being subject to full ADR, but I’ll await your answers please.

If in doubt put the boards down. The sub 333 requirements allow the option of using orange boards, like limited quantity loads. Not a requirement but an option. Then only time you can’t put the boards down is when no hazardous cargo is on board. You must have a 2kg extinguisher on board if carrying an out of scope load commercially