Did something a bit naughty

vvv probably a good idea!

Nah, overpriced stuff with up their own backsides dealers…:wink:

I like 'em personally!

It is always better to run over your time and then write an explanation on the card or print-out than it is to falsify records. You should not have pulled the card.

Having said that, as I always say, you cannot un-ring a bell. Your best bet now is to do a print-out and write on it “card removed in error” and leave it at that.

In my experience, VOSA do not prosecute for occasional excesses, they are looking for people who drive a horse and carriage through the regulations, not those who go 10 minutes over their time to get home.

Well said Harry :slight_smile:

If ever you run out of time and need to carry on for some reason beyond your control keep your card in and record the reason why then take the required break, you will not under normal circumstances be prosecuted for this.
I use an ‘E’ log here and have the same rule. If I run out of time sitting in traffic in NYC for instance I carry on to the terminal and enter the reason in ‘comments’ I have never been issued a violation for doing this even though DOT have checked my records.