Yes today I did it and some might know I already been on class 2 for 3 years.
Today I think went really well I seemed to master everything up until the end of the day when the instructor got me to try the reversing for the 1st time and yes I messed it up. Felt a little disappointed with myself but he said don’t let it beat you up.
Can’t see how I’m going to master this reversing malarkey before my test on Friday
Can’t see how I’m going to master this reversing malarkey before my test on Friday
Apart from one trainee who took twice the time all my other trainees were at artic reversing test standard within 2 hours of arriving at the airfield where the practice was done - 2 hours with 2 trainees
They did the odd test type reverse as well as real life reversing during the rest of the training to ensure they had not forgotten
If it can be done with 2 trainees in two hours virtually every time then things look good for you
None of my trainees did it using bits of the lorry or turning the wheel X amount this way then that way etc so it does come down to how you are taught
In my day when you could go straight to a class 1 the instructor used to give us a marker point to stop at, by the end of the training it just clicked into place.
If by Thursday your still concerned ask for a bit more tuition on it, sure your instructor will help out.
Fingers crossed for you Friday but in my test i thought I had cocked up just pulling out the training centres gates so relaxed for the rest of it and somehow passed.
Don’t put to much pressure on yourself and I’m sure you will be fine.
Thanks will let you all know how tomorrow goes apparently we are doing reversing 1st thing. I overheard him saying to his boss I was doing really well but that was before the reversing so I think he knows that’s going to be my problem. I hope it does eventually click in my head
Don’t be to hard on yourself
I went through exactly the same when I did my class 1 in the early 90s pressures on when your test is just round the corner and you feel gutted with yourself cause the reversing is all to ■■■■ , but honestly mate it will all just click into place ,take it nice and slow not to much lock on all at once and get your head out of the window and watch them trailer wheels.
Just don’t grab the steering wheel & try turning big handfulls while trying to reverse.
Steady as you go, turning the steering a little bit and often. Checking around you, & adjusting the direction as needed
Ok day 2 mastered the reversing finally after 2 hours of trying I now got it right. But I got another problem now and that’s my road positioning in the town centers. But today was the 1st day in town I suppose and like you all say got to try not be so hard on myself. Only real hiccup was going along a tight road to turn left into another road and there was a car came and sat in that road as I approached. I indicated left told him to move out so I could turn in but I was also blocking his lane as I hesitated before I turns into the left road. I think my original positioning was a bit too far to the right instead of being close to the left. Anyway apart from that I didn’t think I was too bad although the instructor said I ain’t ready yet. Still only 2 days done 1 more day left of training then it’s the big one. Still really worried I passed every test in my life 1st time but thus one I think could beat me but I must stay positive I know
Can’t see how I’m going to master this reversing malarkey before my test on Friday
Apart from one trainee who took twice the time all my other trainees were at artic reversing test standard within 2 hours of arriving at the airfield where the practice was done - 2 hours with 2 trainees
They did the odd test type reverse as well as real life reversing during the rest of the training to ensure they had not forgotten
If it can be done with 2 trainees in two hours virtually every time then things look good for you
None of my trainees did it using bits of the lorry or turning the wheel X amount this way then that way etc so it does come down to how you are taught
Only one bad trainee in 3 years! You seem to have had an easy time of it in your short time as an instructor.I suppose your pass rate was better than everyone elses as well?
How do you get your head through the door in the mornings?
It is just about practise and being relaxed. Give it time and it will become second nature, then you’ll struggle reversing a car and really have to think which way to turn the wheel lol or is that just me…
I can’t park my car either, much to the missus’s joy and regular peetaking.
Anyway keebs, i shouldn’t worry about the town stuff no doubt your instructor has been giving you the old forward planning mantra since day one, just take your time and relax- there is an element of luck involved in these tests but you can reduce that element by ehhh well taking your time and forward planning.
If your coming up to an unfamiliar junction just try and give yourself options, the slower you approach the more options become available, I could be wrong but waving other road users out of junctions would be frowned upon in a test- just let them make their own mind up they will figure it out.
Good luck for tomorrow and don’t forget plenty of mirror action- examiners love that.
Yes today I did it and some might know I already been on class 2 for 3 years.
Today I think went really well I seemed to master everything up until the end of the day when the instructor got me to try the reversing for the 1st time and yes I messed it up. Felt a little disappointed with myself but he said don’t let it beat you up.
Can’t see how I’m going to master this reversing malarkey before my test on Friday
You training in Ipswich? I’m gonna guess and say its bob that’s your trainer?
If it is he is a top bloke and will see you through mate…just listen to him and soak up the advice as its spot on. He is great to chat to whilst your winding your way around Ipswich and surrounding areas.
Thanks guys, well unfortunately I failed but it was on something so stupid I’m truly gutted. I got the actual drive almost perfect did the reversing almost perfect only had 3 minors on the drive. Then I got back into the test centre and did the uncouple trailer exercise and I failed on a simple thing of connecting it all back up and right at the end he said have you done everything ? I thought about it and said yes then he told me you forgot to check the trailer lights works that’s a fail… Gutted what a stupid stupid silly mistake all I needed was a few simple words and I would of passed
And no it was Harry at Hamiltons who’s been training me his a real good teacher and nice guy.
You got a good examiner too as he even gave you a hint when he asked if you have done everything.
But it happens to alot of people.
On my class 1 I had got failed before the uncouple/couple due to an examiner changing his mind on a direction, leaving me in No mans land at a junction at London road near sainsburys. A car got up the side of the trailer and examiner deemed it in a dangerous place…I appealed but lost.
Anyway at the end of the hooking up again (I carrie on the test) I asked him to check my tailor lights for me, and he just said not to bother as I had asked him so it counted as being ‘done’
Onwards & upwards, you’ll never do that again anyway. Don’t worry about it matey, I’ve seen experienced drivers forget to wind the legs up, drive off without putting in the safety clip & one that drove off without taking off the trailer brake, how he did not notice the dust cloud I don’t know. Next time.
Sorry to hear that keebs, I would get your re-test booked asap.
Checking lights is pretty standard but when you have just been through the stress of the test its annoying to fail right at the end.
But fairplay if he asked ‘have you done everything’, just hope you get the same examiner next time coz i bet he was thinking ‘blast I have to fail this guy now’.
Don’t worry though loads will have failed on this, put it out of your mind and re-try.
This does point out a flaw in the test though.
Logic dictates you would couple up at the start of the test and uncouple at the end.