Did I missed some changes to tacho law?

…or it’s just agency? Last time I checked, I had 28 days to carry records with me, and 42 days to return my charts to the operator…

But how is possible that such a proffesional employer, with so many industry memberships and awards, as you can see from the right bottom corner of the letter, can be wrong?

They said "Oh, sorry, this is just computer software which we getting from the Head Quarters… Is that then that the whole network of the agencies don’t know the law?

Anyway I called and e-mailed them and demanded to correct this, as I am not happy to be flagged up in the computer system as someone who does infrigments - even, if that’s only the low-paying agency…

Well done Orys, make them write you an apology and ask for the letter to be put in your file.

There are too many people who don’t know the law and then rely on blaming the software for their incompetence