
Would it be asking too much for people to use the word have instead of of when its needed?.

I would of as used by some is either laziness or pure ignorance, I dont claim to be an expert in the English language I just think the odd little word used as it should be would perhaps be more aesthetically pleasing and hopefully show the general publie that lorry drivers arent all as thick as some might think.

Feel free to pull apart my sentance spacing and spelling etc etc just use have instead of of…

But when it’s needed, I have to because I have to when it’s needed :wink:

Would it be asking too much for people to use the word have instead of of when its needed?.

I would of as used by some is either laziness or pure ignorance, I dont claim to be an expert in the English language I just think the odd little word used as it should be would perhaps be more aesthetically pleasing and hopefully show the general publie that lorry drivers arent all as thick as some might think.

Feel free to pull apart my sentance spacing and spelling etc etc just use have instead of of…

Well as you suggested it, the correct spelling and abbreviations are, don’t, public, aren’t and sentence.

I don’t disagree about the diction, but it should be remembered that not everyone here has English as their first language, and some just can’t spell or be bothered to use a spell checker :wink:

But I probably shouldn’t of …errrrm have mentioned that :blush:

Would it be asking too much for people to use the word have instead of of when its needed?.

I would of as used by some is either laziness or pure ignorance, I dont claim to be an expert in the English language I just think the odd little word used as it should be would perhaps be more aesthetically pleasing and hopefully show the general publie that lorry drivers arent all as thick as some might think.

Feel free to pull apart my sentance spacing and spelling etc etc just use have instead of of…

if you is worryd about the dictation on this sight u wonna see sum of the gramma on t’interweb.

Sum thyme the letterz is sew jumblied up that a perfessor or a teecher wood make nowt of it. Wee can undastand eech uther becorse we is truk drivars, and use to fulling in forms and that.

Whot do u expekt wendy teech text and emale at skool? no 1 can right proply

Now wee hav sattalites an that wee no our weigh round country wivout a mapp.

■■■■■■ hewl man.


The wonderful English language has certainly gone down the drain these last few years.
Aposrophe’s are misused regularly as is spelling - and as for grammar :open_mouth:

Lazyness of speach is now the norm as people dont bother to use dictionaries any more do they?

Eye have a spelling chequer
It came with my pea sea
It plainly marques four my revue
Miss steaks eye kin knot sea.
Eye strike a key and type a word
And weight four it two say
Weather eye am wrong oar write.
It shows me strait a weigh.
As soon as a mist ache is maid
It nose bee fore two long
and eye can put the error rite.
Its rare lea ever wrong.
Eye have run this poem threw it
I am shore your pleased two no
Its letter perfect awl the weigh
My chequer tolled me sew.