Diary with pics

Its been a while since ive done one of these, having left Keyline to join Trumpton. So with a couple of days off and at a loose end I get a call from my brother who does some work for EWM @ Carlisle. So its off down to the yard and pick up the motor, an “R” reg Scania. After overnighting in the yard, the alarm wakes me from the slumber and its North to Inverness

South of Glasgow

Just south of Stirling Services

My first drop is in Aviemore, and after running up and down the stairs about a dozen times, im knackered, but the first drop done without any dramas. Its now north on the B9007 and the A940 to Forres and then the A96 to Elgin for the next drop.
The B9007, dont want to go off here, no phone signal.

After doing the drop and having a wee break it down to Inverness Airport and drop a couple of Pallets for the stores at Stornoway and Kirkwall. Then into Inverness and do 3 shops. Have a bit of a rammy with a bus driver as he is parked in the loading bay with his feet up reading “Star wars”. He’s not for moving so i park in the bus bay behind him. Another bus pulls up behind me and the place comes to a standstill. Then i spot the yellow peril marching across the road. “Move that bloody bus” Trucks 1 buses 0

With only an hours driving time left i head north to Skiach Services at Evanton for the night. I get a shower some grub and then off to sleep.

Its a 5am start and im heading north for Wick and then John O Groats Again no Dramas at the drops, and there both done pretty quickly.
The sun trying to break through

The road are pretty empty this far north in the morning.

Next on the list is Ullapool on the west coast, its about a trip of about 3 hours, if you dont get held up by traffic. Near Berriedale Braes i come up behind a hire car, with probably some foreign tourist looking for Nessie!!

Just after Golspie its off onto the A839 towards Lairg then the A837 towards Ledmore and finaly the A835 to Ullapooll

and finally Ullapool.

Its then back to Inverness to do another of the shops. On the way back i see a loch which looks pretty empty, funny that as it rains for most of the year in the highlands :laughing: :laughing:

Right on que theres a shower heading this way

Over the Kessock bridge and in towards the city centre. At least the sun is out again.

With the last shop off I head to Woody’s for the night and get an early start for the run back to Carlisle in the morning.

The A9 is quiet for the first part of the journey south, with only one of DR MacLeods artics for company

Into the yard drop the box fuel up and give the truck a wash, then get next weeks box loaded on for the next driver.

The EWM yard with MAN’s and ERF’s

Brilliant pics, wish I was up that way more often

Great pictures! I can almost taste fried pizzas and pints of heavy :cry: (Used to love doing Scotland).

I used to get to do Scotland every now and then in my last job in the Sprinter, slept in a hotel or a B&B but loved going up there, furthest I got to do was Inverness on the East and Inverary on the West, always used to take the scenic routes too if there was one on the map, certainly wouldn’t mind doing nights out in the truck up there.

certainly wouldn’t mind doing nights out in the truck up there.

Yup! Did multidrop for Esso service stations - and 20 years later remember nights out tucked up with an appropriately regional 4-pack and some John Buchan (39 Steps) to read in the bunk.

Also had the privilege of doing the trucking for the UK part of Runrig’s ‘Searchlight’ tour (mostly Scotland of course) ALBA’s great pictures bring it all back…

Great diary and pictures mate !!! :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:
Looks like you were lucky with the weather up the north. :laughing: :laughing: :lol

You lucky git!

I love going north of the border, but hardly get there at all nowadays!

Fabulous pictures, great diary!