Diaries are like buses

you wait ages for one then two come along together. :wink: :smiley:

Yet again a well written dariy, from one of best contributors to
entertain and educate the many who read them .

Another Good Read Coffeeholic :smiley:

Excellent read :smiley:

Yep once again a very enjoyable read.

you wait ages for one then two come along together. :wink: :smiley:

thought it was 3 or is that just edinburgh :laughing: :laughing:

Wait until next week Jim. :wink: :smiley: :smiley:

Once again, itā€™s like a good book, when you read the first few paragraphs you get engrossed in it and simply canā€™t put it down.

Very entertaining Neil.



Good read, as always, Neil! :sunglasses:

I had a bit of ā€˜a doā€™ in Belgium Sun/Mon but iā€™m still working on it for a seperate postā€¦

Iā€™ll look forward to reading that Marcus.

Another super read!
Whatā€™s ā€œschnitzelā€? You had it with mushroom sauce Tuesday.
:smiley: Just wondered.

Pork steak. Tends to come in two varietys, either coverd in breadcrumb type things or natural. Big feature of the menu in most German restaurants and served plain or with different sauces.

Excellent read as usual! Do you have a degree in english or are you just a good writer?

PMSL. I was expelled from school at 16 and I have no qualifications to speak of. I started writing a couple of years ago to pass the time some nights while parked in far flung places, short stories and then these diaries, and I enjoy it which is strange considering how much I hated anything like that while at school. I think I posted a couple of the stories on here in the past.

Glad you enjoy them and if the trip that has been mentioned for next week does happen there will be another instalment then.

Was that you going up the m11 this morning?

you wait ages for one then two come along together. :wink: :smiley:

Another good read.

One question though - whatā€™s the significance of the registration on the truck? Itā€™s obviously not the right one for the age so I assume thereā€™s some reason behind it.


V40HNO is V 4 OHNO. One of the names, one of the more polite ones, I get called at work is OHNO, apparently I say it a lot which I think comes from being Scottish. The lads at work persuaded me to buy it when I got my last truck, I transferred it to this one and it will be going on the next.

Was that you going up the m11 this morning?

Me on the M11? Are you mad, Iā€™d get a nose bleed if I ventured up there. :wink: :smiley:

No Pete it wasnā€™t me, way off route for me and I try not to work Fridays.