DHL Stakehill dispute

Had a drop on for SSL at Stakehill Industrial Estate Middleton, and just outside the DHL Depot across the road was a campsite/picket line. There are loads of banners about DHL, M&S and one of the banners says something like “All will be revealed in the press” another says “Drug Hell Logistics”

Does anyone know what’s been going on? :unamused:

Don’t all shout at once!! :laughing:

I work for DH HELL on the container side and things have not been to good there theyve made some redundancys and have really ■■■■ on the guys today by telling them that they are no longer needed so go today kind of thing some got redundancy and some got [zb]all proper [zb]on people so i wouldnt be supprise if its something a long these lines but not 100% sure. Its true what they say " if you want to [zb]a contract up give it to DHL :exclamation:

auto censor dodges removed…Denis F

if you want to [zb]a contract up give it to DHL

I can believe that. I recently heard that they are making a right royal ■■■■-up of the Brother contract at Magna.


Not sure about the protest but I believe one of DHL’s lad’s turned over on approach to Stakehill Thursday night. :question:

Hope he is O.K.

Friend of mine works at the Bawtry site as a tramper,and he rung me the other day to say they’re knocking nights out on the head.

How they are going to be able to serve a contract,that delivers nationwide without nights out,is beyond me. :confused:

Needless to say,he’s looking elsewhere.


can’t go into to much detail at this time.

BUT, 5 warehouse stafff have been dismissed for gross mis conduct (the banner is a clue :unamused: ). 3 off which where RMT shop stewards :open_mouth:

From gossip doing the rounds the people protesting are the sacked union people, but union is not backing them :wink: neither are any other work collegues :exclamation:

Work Shy:
can’t go into to much detail at this time.

BUT, 5 warehouse stafff have been dismissed for gross mis conduct (the banner is a clue :unamused: ). 3 off which where RMT shop stewards :open_mouth:

From gossip doing the rounds the people protesting are the sacked union people, but union is not backing them :wink: neither are any other work collegues :exclamation:

Thanks Workshy, we’ll get to the bottom of it eventually. Any idea what the union lads have been up to? It must be bad if the union aren’t backing them.
I drove past again this morning and the protest had all been shifted.


Work Shy:
can’t go into to much detail at this time.

BUT, 5 warehouse stafff have been dismissed for gross mis conduct (the banner is a clue :unamused: ). 3 off which where RMT shop stewards :open_mouth:

From gossip doing the rounds the people protesting are the sacked union people, but union is not backing them :wink: neither are any other work collegues :exclamation:

Thanks Workshy, we’ll get to the bottom of it eventually. Any idea what the union lads have been up to? It must be bad if the union aren’t backing them.
I drove past again this morning and the protest had all been shifted.

It was shifted to M&S Manchester

I think this link (if it works) will explain all as its taken from the local paper who did an i/v with those concerned. draw your own conclusions… … py_campers

I think this link (if it works) will explain all as its taken from the local paper who did an i/v with those concerned. draw your own conclusions… … py_campers

That is the banner that I saw last week Greg.

If it’s true, then I have no sympathy.

When someone who knows full well that their company operates a Substance Misuse Policy and then comes out with the line "What we do in our own time is our own business.” you have to question their sanity.

Although, it would be interesting to know why they have been dismissed when other workers have been given counselling.

The fact that 2 out of the 3 are RMT officials is an embarrassment to the union and probably explains why they aren’t backing the trio.

Idiots, absolute idiots.

my dog has more sense than these three morons. if your company has a drug testing policy then why take drugs at the weekend, get tested the following week, get sacked and then complain. i have no time for people who take drugs. obviously it was still in their system if it showed on a test.

what if… (fill in the blanks yourself)

these are the types of people that deserve to be injured in an accident caused by themselves.

i have no sympathy for them. it says it all if the union aren’t backing them the ■■■■■’! :imp: :angry: :imp:

rant over

Definatly the 3 stooges, you cant write comedy like that anymore :laughing:

oh, I don’t know - fair play to them, at least they’ve had the decency to give a picture and their full names to the local press. It’ll save anyone else giving these numpties a job by mistake… :open_mouth:

Nice to see them in
their high-vis jackets
while there on strike. :unamused:

Instead of smoking pot all weekend
they could have done their laundry. :laughing:

I passed the DHL depot at Stakehill again last week. No sign of any protesters, but I did notice that the plot of land the sacked workers used as their “Picket line” has now been turned into a large flower bed.

Perhaps it’s been done to keep them off the grass!!

Sorry, couldn’t’ resist. :laughing: :laughing: