Dhl newark be quick

ive just had a phone call offering me an interview as there currently recruiting so thought some of you boys out there might be interested to no, i dont no the work i nvolved it used to be for currys ive lost the bloody number too but thought id give you the heads up first as i turned it down.

Currys at Winthorpe Newark in general have a rather large turnover of staff tho the lorry pay can be upto £14-15/hr.

Currys at Winthorpe Newark in general have a rather large turnover of staff tho the lorry pay can be upto £14-15/hr.

yer i had a buddy who used to do the ireland runs tramping he transfered to manchester

done 7.5t and rigid work for them a few years back and promptly told the agency never to send me there again, class 1 work’s meant to be better but it’s easier for me just to steer clear. best of luck with it though mate, just wasn’t my cuppa

Imo always best to stay clear of ■■■■■■ I mean Newark! :laughing: