Hey All.

As the subject header would suggest I have got a DHL assessment coming up, and I am wondering if anyone of you lovely chaps have some words of wisdom on what I should expect?

depends on where and contract as there are all different from depot to contract .
as for the drive it would be like any drive . pleanty of mirrors during and after passing any obstacle drive smooth an keep in the bands … only stop where legal … our trainer does that one , “stop safely where you can please” almost everyone pulls up onto a spot of waste land that loks like a layby but it has no dropped kerb :wink:

Look in the mirrors constantly, get out and check the 5th wheel height before coupling, and massage the ego of the know it all bell end in the passenger seat.

Make sure your height displayed in cab is the height on the trailer before you leave the depot, vehicle checks by the book use ops13 form top to bottom and you can’t go wrong, hook up by the book. Mary poppins drive bobs your uncle.

Depends on site/contract but ■■■■ and drug test usually required aswell.


Depends on site/contract but ■■■■ and drug test usually required aswell.

I take it that’s asprin and can you hit the tyre without splash back :grimacing:

and expect lots and lots of paperwork to fill out !! :stuck_out_tongue:

I went to the one in Prudhoe for agency. It took 3 hrs including paperwork,signing about 40 sheets of paper, 5 on bridge bashing alone, walk around checks, he showed me how they like it done, and then a drive. By the time I got back to the office the guy said " you won’t get this run finished in the time you have left, just get as far as you can & then ring in, someone will come & pick you up" I lasted 3 shifts.
Remember you’re not on test, they only want to see if you know what you’re doing.

Truly awesome advice again guys, this forum rocks:)

Just do what you were taught in your lessons, ie the correct way, try not to let your bad habits shine through. I had my assessment last week for DHL and got the job. Good luck :smiley:

Terrible company to work for as a driver I think, most sites near me are advertising for drivers…

I have only been with them a couple of months at a tradeteam depot, but I can’t knock them yet.

My assessment was abit strange though, drove a rigid to a couple of customers with a trainer and came back to the yard to be told off you go now in an artic. I had only past my artic a few days before so it was my first trip. All went well so I drive bulk deliveries now but when they are short on drivers I have filled in on the drayman work.

Drayman drivers are hard to find as most drivers don’t like the idea of hand balling 10+ ton a day. So the sign outside my depot always says drivers wanted.

Pay is Ok for day work as well. But I’m guessing this reply is useless if you going to work in another sector.

Ive always thought you need to be a bit doo-lally to be a dray man :laughing:

and expect lots and lots of paperwork to fill out !! :stuck_out_tongue:

Remember the 2 T’s rule

Look in the mirrors constantly, get out and check the 5th wheel height before coupling, and massage the ego of the know it all bell end in the passenger seat.


Like nick2008 said depends on where and contract as there are all different from depot to contract

if its newark , they are that desperate , all you need is a card , and can put it in gear, they have been in warsaw this week to find drivers

Well the assessment went well, not what I was expecting.

The assessor was a ■■■■ fine bloke, very helpful and was as you would expect (I think) mainly focused on safety and really important one can I drive.

Assessment went like this:

Drivers checks.
Job done

Thanks for all the advice again guys

if its newark , they are that desperate , all you need is a card , and can put it in gear, they have been in warsaw this week to find drivers

They had a few Spaniard’s try out in Bristol DHL Currys depot the other week …Only one spoke any English of some description what so ever and apparently 2 had to be driven back to depot as the instructor felt they couldn’t drive :open_mouth: oh and 1 didn’t even make it out the yard let alone around it :unamused:

They had a few Spaniard’s try out in Bristol DHL Currys depot the other week …Only one spoke any English of some description what so ever and apparently 2 had to be driven back to depot as the instructor felt they couldn’t drive :open_mouth: oh and 1 didn’t even make it out the yard let alone around it :unamused:

I can’t see the problem:)


They had a few Spaniard’s try out in Bristol DHL Currys depot the other week …Only one spoke any English of some description what so ever and apparently 2 had to be driven back to depot as the instructor felt they couldn’t drive :open_mouth: oh and 1 didn’t even make it out the yard let alone around it :unamused:

I can’t see the problem :slight_smile:

Look in the mirrors constantly, get out and check the 5th wheel height before coupling, and massage the ego of the know it all bell end in the passenger seat.

ROFL. You’ve done a few then yeah? Sanctimonious ■■■■■ most of them.

Terrible company to work for as a driver I think, most sites near me are advertising for drivers…

You’re wide there dude.

They are one of the best firms to work for as they actually care about the drivers safety, the head of safety at DHL was at my ADR course a few years back, nice bloke & knew his stuff,
He’d go out to any accident involving a DHL wagon. It was around the time of a fatal at the tyre fort where a driver set off after being tipped by a forks, knifed the trailer round & killed the forks in his blind spot, totally bizarre.

I was trying to
Get on a decent DHL Subby job but I was down at the time so wasn’t too engaged in the macho bravado that bonds us fellows
So wasn’t too surprised when he blanked my phone call. They don’t sub out the profitable work anyway so I gave up.