DHL apprenticeship - maybe not!

Was thinking of applying for this DHL apprenticeship for a laugh and then this made me have second thoughts -

Was thinking of applying for this DHL apprenticeship for a laugh and then this made me have second thoughts -

because doing a DHL apprenticeship will make you crash into a train?

or what exactly?

because maybe the training isn’t all that good ?

because maybe the training isn’t all that good ?

If you want to laugh, maybe you should read this :frowning:

yeah - the wife was travelling to York quite often on GNER at the time of that accident - that guy was such a ■■■■■

I’ve been past quite a few bridges that don’t seem to have much protection from crashes/run off’s along the verge parallel to the road

I found when i worked at DHL the training was really lacking when it came to covering how not to crash into a train.

I tnink you’ll find that the train collided with the van :open_mouth:
Apparently the driver was taken away in shock at finding at train side swiping him on the West Bromwich High St.

Having just finished a night shift at DHL I can safely say I no longer return the artic via Tyseley as it presents a tempting target to Thomas and his friends.

I work for DHL …
I find this worrying …
I have never done the driver training module that covers crashing into trains , now i’,m worried …
I will be bringing this up with the driver trainers when I return to work .
Until I they provide me with correct training me I’m going to ask them to exonerate me from any blame should I decide to cross rail tracks when a train is coming and we collide with each other …
It’s important that all drivers bring this up with any driver trainers they may have .Or at the very least the manager .