Denmark where's that then?

If any of you enjoy book reading then check out a book apparently written by a driver about his jaunt to Denmark with his brother… It’s called ‘Denmark where’s that then?’ I saw it reviewed in a truck magazine so bought a paperback copy.

It’s a very easy read and definitely not politically correct !! :wink: It’s written ‘how it is’… some crackin’ one liners… all done with a Northern tongue :smiley:

Great to see a fellow steering wheel attendant having a crack at something different!

Unsure where else the book is available but i bought mine on Amazon - Kindle version is only £1.99 if i remember correctly…

Sounds interesting. Read a book once called Living Danishly, not truck related but a good read nonetheless.

And not forgetting the Danish cookies @ £1 a tin in Poundland…great for dipping in me tea. lol

Just read it.
Not bad