… detailpage
you may have already seen it, but its worth a watch. … detailpage
you may have already seen it, but its worth a watch.
That was funny.what a total ■■■■
Hahaha what an impatiant idiot…people like that give bikers a bad name
Being a member of the biking community, what a tool he was. The silver car he overtook had it’s brakes on, surely that should have been a warning. Not exactly going at the legal limit I thinks…
Ride safe
■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■
C O C K !
degsy4wheels: may have already seen it, but its worth a watch.
It was posted last week and the general consensus was that the biker was a fool
Good job the trucks are barely moving… It would have been another case of
“A driver was arrested at the scene” otherwise.