Death Row

Seems a system is in place to murder you when you become old and in hospital the Liverpool Care Pathway which is used to bump off 29% elderly today.This is depriving the patient of fluids/food while keeping them in a morphine induced coma till they pop off,murder.Seems this saves the caring NHS money.Not much to look forward to having done all that CPC training every five years through your working life,might just increase my daily ■■■ intake to ensure I am not deprived of water just air cause my lungs are shot.

As I am nearly 60 years young I hope that we can come up with a humane way of dealing with the thorny subject of looking after elderly people.Even the better care homes smell of urine.Its mainly women who “liveon” in those places.I think that when a person is in pain and old it should be legal to give them an injection to ease them out of this world.Its a difficult subject so what do you guys think.?

I think that when a person is in pain and old it should be legal to give them an injection to ease them out of this world

I do hope that you mean “if they want an injection etc it should be legal”. :slight_smile:

Bugger to my kids or Mrs MadBaz spending thousands on my care if I become a dribbling wreck, get me on a plane to that clinic in Swiss, get a vet in, burn me, bury me or just chuck us in the wheelie bin I aint gonna give a monkeys, but if they spends thousands on care homes and an overpriced funeral, I’m definitely coming back to haunt them :stuck_out_tongue: .

Seriously,IMO there should be an alternative to the ‘££££keep me alive no matter what££££’ care system and the ‘££££sanctimonious cadaver disposal££££’ that society seems so keen to hold onto. Euthanasia (with proper safeguards in place) and disposal at the local incinerator is quick, cost effective, hygienic and doesn’t put a burden on my much loved family. As for remembering me by scattering ashes or a headstone, there is a modern day alternative, keep looking in on my facebook page :stuck_out_tongue: :open_mouth: .

Wot ! you going to keep on posting there once you’ve gone? :open_mouth:

and disposal at the local incinerator is quick,

why not go the whole distance and be processed into pet food?