Death due to insecure load

Not quite the “lorry” reported, but still a reminder why load security is taken so seriously. … /?ref=fbpg

It’s not good that they’ve already named the victim, NOT named the driver who of course is up on serious charges, and bigged-up the “Lorry” to represent the entire news as being something to throw at the trucking community yet again. :frowning:

Very sad, and my heart goes out to the family. But how the hell can the press call a Transit a Lorry?

Very sad, and my heart goes out to the family. But how the hell can the press call a Transit a Lorry?

They’re ignorant and lazy, and the latter stops them making much headway dealing with the former.

It wasn’t a generator either, as far as I can tell from the photo on the Telegraph site, and if it was attached to a breaker then it wasn’t a pneumatic one.

It would be nice to think that the whole horrible story was just made-up wibble, but sadly I think that’s not the case.

How does fate choose for destruction - a female Warrant Officer apparently an expert in Mechanical/Electrical engineering - i.e. GENERATORS in any case?

If this is indeed just “very bad luck” - then Fate really takes the ■■■■ doesn’t it?

It was a hydraulic beaver pack , used to power hand held breakers pumps etc