Dean Casle Transport

Hi all. Anyone done any work for Dean Castle transport. I see he is advertising quite a lot on return loads sites. Aso advertising for owner drivers.

been asked before try here :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: … +transport

or you could try a pm to neville he is local to them

Have sent you a PM. Regards

Thanks for the replies. Barge pole job then. !!! :angry:

Is this the company that hauls scrap fridges? Or am I on totally different wavelength?

i think so as they are always wanting waste licenses

A bloke I used to work for was advised by the bank representative to drop them from his list of companies to work for.
We soon stopped doing anything for them after that.

See them advertising again for work for those with Waste carriers… Can anyone give me an insight as to what the work involves?. PM Will do

Be most grateful.

Saw the advert for operators as well, rung them up sent them all info be e mail, insurance operators licence etc still waiting to hear from them and thats over a month ago. Dont hold your breath