Dealing with telephone cold callers

Been getting a few lately in the evenings and my usual course of action is to talk politely, then say “hold on i"ll pass you over”.
Then i place the phone next to the radio which is constantly on in the kitchen.
The record so far before they hang up is 9mins.
How do you deal with them?

It depends on what I’m doing when they ring. Sometimes I will ask them about the weather in their country and keep them talking without telling them anything. Other times I tell them that this property has changed hands and say goodbye.

Get them loads, best way is to tell them youre council owned, record on that is about 3 secs. its the bledy awful ppi/injury auto diallers that get on my nerves.
last time I let it connect me, then got all there details asked for customer complaints and gave them both barrels. Theres so many of them though i give up most times.

edited before scanner got me for poor english :wink:

I usually start with “Only the small Engleesh is what I will hear” in a made up Swedish Chef kind of accent and then go from there, I try not to be rude, it may be a PITA, but they’re only trying to earn a living.

I do object to heavily accented callers though, I wouldn’t dream of cold calling a German for instance, as I cannot spracken ze Deutch, so why do companies think it’s acceptable to get people who have a very poor grasp of English to make sales calls?

Unless it’s only the soon to be minority British who are the only British residents that cannot understand them :open_mouth:

I registered at the TPS and the amount of cold calls I got dropped dramatically after a week or two.

I still get one or two, I usually just tell them I’m not interested and hang up, but I have on the odd occasion suggested that they learn to speak proper English before phoning people :unamused:

Had one this morning that spoke bad english as well, he said he was from the office of fair trading, asked him for the local office tel. number so I could call them back … he ended the call :open_mouth:

Hard hat ready here goes, when I was at school I done a Stint at a local window company in the evenings doing tele sales, along with working in a chippy washing cars at a garage an cleaning the teachers cars the tele sales was meant to be easy money working 6-9 for sitting on my arse, well it wasn’t. After being told to go die, go hang myself and so on I decided to call it a day after only a few weeks.
Now we had a list off numbers to ring and once we were finished with them they’d get passed on or sold to others if people did t want to talk to us we still had to hit them for as long as they stayed on the line the only time we were able to cut a call short was when we were informed by themselves that they were TPS registered this to us was like the police off cold calling and incurred a hefty fine if we were reported by the poor sods we were pestering. Also there numbers were completely erased from our systems so as not to accidentally pass them on to third parties so whenever I get a call I’m always polite as I know what a ■■■■■ job it is for them but straight away tell them they should not be phoning me as I was TPS registered( which I’m not ) que alot off apologies and a promise it will never happen again. :slight_smile:

Had a rather nice sounding chap by the name of “Edwin” call tonight.(not a common stani name methinks)
He hung up before the Smiths had finished . . even with Jonny Marr on the guitar . . bloody cheek.

I registered at the TPS and the amount of cold calls I got dropped dramatically after a week or two.

I still get one or two, I usually just tell them I’m not interested and hang up, but I have on the odd occasion suggested that they learn to speak proper English before phoning people :unamused:


Cant rember were i herd it but someone suggested just saying " it’s done but there is a lot of blood" then hang up. :smiley::grin::grin::grin:

“Can I speak to (Mrs Muckaway, please?”
“Now’s not a good time…”
“Why is that my friend?”
“She’s buried under the patio!”

Had another caller this afternoon asking if I wanted to take part in his scam!
Not exactly as he put it but that’s what it is.
He told me he wanted to include my wee company advert in a magazine that would go out to businesses within my area, approx 10,000 of them (which up here is a load of bollox) OK you say and you eventually receive the artwork with your advert on it and then they hit you for payment of about £200 usually. Problem is that’s the only one like that printed. The scamming gits are either based in Merseyside or like this one in Chester.
This is not the first call like this I have received.

this is the best way :laughing:

What are you wearing? :stuck_out_tongue: