'Dead mans shoes' and other little gems!

In a recent topic where I enquired about a particular job , it didn’t take long before a reply came ’ dead mans shoes’ … Which got me thinking about the many pearls of wisdom I’ve had passed to me during my time driving … Example , from an old timer I had the pleasure to work with ’ u just can’t do the job ’ followed most conversations , his bitter and angry son who also worked for the same outfit once told me ’ don’t turn left as u come out of Calais , commie block’ .i kid u not ( worth noting the person in his illustrious career driving had traveled over the water only in his dads company the once) . There has been many moments where somebody’s pearls have done nothing but make them look a tool . Just before I started with my current employer I was advised how much of a ■■■ job I was going too , even tho nobody knew where I would be going , seems more money , new truck and trailer to work in still made it a crap job . Last note , I’m 31 now nearly 32 , at what point do drivers stop saying ’ You young un’s aren’t cut out for t’ job’ …

I’m a young’un at 33 and in a dead mans shoes job. It seems I ‘tick all the boxes’ on this one.

I’m a young’un at 33 and in a dead mans shoes job. It seems I ‘tick all the boxes’ on this one.

Yep, and i bet you’ve got the sense to realise just how lucky you are, keep schtumn about its whereabouts and do your level best to keep that job dead mans shoes for as long as possible.

I meet some sad old gits who have never changed but dont have the sense to realize that the job has changed immensley.