has anyone else noticed the amount of deer corpses on the road sides lately? mostly little ones, but there seems a more noticeable amount - especiallly on the A14 i’ve seen what hitting one can do to a car, its enough to contend with all the stupid low flying pigeons this time of year never mind deer that dont know the green cross code
There was a bit in the press that May is the worst month for them. And 10,000 a year on average killed on the roads. Eddie.
Apparently there was one destroyed on the M6 yesterday.
Closest I ever came was a few years ago, middle of the night coming down the hill into Monmouth. A doe I think, cos there were no antlers jumped out from the trees in the central reservation and straight across in front of me. Jesus!
I’m 44t so can’t throw her around taking evasive action, and I’ve got absolutely no chance of stopping, and I’m thinking if she hesitates she’s toast. Luckily she didn’t and I just brushed her arse as she hopped the fence on the nearside.
That would’ve made a mess of Eddie’s nice Scania.
Im sure its got something to do with the fact that its the begining of their mating season. It makes them more active around this time of year.
I took 8 legs of road kill venison to my local butcher and asked if he wanted to buy them? He said it was too dear! (I’ll get me coat!)
The young deer are trying to establish their own territory at this time of year,hence some of them are being displaced.
I saw one (alive) munching on grass at the side of the M1 northbound between j26-j27, dont know how it had got over the fence but the traffic didnt seem to be bothering it.
Im sure its got something to do with the fact that its the begining of their mating season. It makes them more active around this time of year.
On any country road,you can expect to see deer.There are a lot of deer in this country with no predator except humans.
Im sure its got something to do with the fact that its the begining of their mating season. It makes them more active around this time of year.
I’d agree with this. Have you ever heard a stags mating call? I do a bit of mountain biking over cannock chase and to hear that echoing round the trees is really quite something
Haven’t seen any deer road kill this year, see loads of live muntjac grazing on the fields alongside the M4. I have seen loads of pheasant road kill , & a ■■■■■■■■■ Crow decapitated itself flying into the front of my truck
makes for a great barbie tho
ooops enjoy it so much i posted twice
Im sure its got something to do with the fact that its the begining of their mating season. It makes them more active around this time of year.I’d agree with this. Have you ever heard a stags mating call? I do a bit of mountain biking over cannock chase and to hear that echoing round the trees is really quite something
How do you and your damoq work out its the mating season?
Im sure its got something to do with the fact that its the begining of their mating season. It makes them more active around this time of year.I’d agree with this. Have you ever heard a stags mating call? I do a bit of mountain biking over cannock chase and to hear that echoing round the trees is really quite something
Didnt know there were mountains in the Cannock Chase area.
Im sure its got something to do with the fact that its the begining of their mating season. It makes them more active around this time of year.I’d agree with this. Have you ever heard a stags mating call? I do a bit of mountain biking over cannock chase and to hear that echoing round the trees is really quite something
Didnt know there were mountains in the Cannock Chase area.
Finnings have flattened them with the Cat dozers and excavators.
Dave the Renegade:
Im sure its got something to do with the fact that its the begining of their mating season. It makes them more active around this time of year.I’d agree with this. Have you ever heard a stags mating call? I do a bit of mountain biking over cannock chase and to hear that echoing round the trees is really quite something
Didnt know there were mountains in the Cannock Chase area.
Finnings have flattened them with the Cat dozers and excavators.
I didn’t say there were mountains
ETA I’ve just realised what you meant , maybe not mountains but a few steep climbs to work the lungs
Im sure its got something to do with the fact that its the begining of their mating season. It makes them more active around this time of year.I’d agree with this. Have you ever heard a stags mating call? I do a bit of mountain biking over cannock chase and to hear that echoing round the trees is really quite something
How do you and your damoq work out its the mating season?
puzzled me too
Hit a deer on the M11 about 5 years ago in a week old DAF. It smashed the granny out of the wagon. Step, bumper, windscreen all gone and when I got back had to fill in a accident report. Name of 3rd party, was anyone hurt, in your opinion who’s fault was it, did you exchange details!!!
The Deer population has been rising year on year for the last century, so much so it’s considered to be out of control hence the more regular sightings. But not until some catastrophic incident occurs caused by an innocent little Bambi will the problem be sorted by a knee jerk massive culling session.