De Rooy

Surely the easy way is to send them at night? There are some VOSA stations open 24 hours in theory, but an awful lot less than during the day.

Also I assume the truck bodies aren’t part of this “just in time” system that we keep hearing about? Otherwise they’d lose the contract due to non delivery if the bodies are sitting on a trailer in a VOSA station for 2 days.

Then again, since they carry DAFs, I guess its no different to having the thing sat in a garage with yet another defect. Just costs DAF instead of the new owner.

Wheel Nut:

the nodding donkey:

Tbf those sleeper pods often have more room than a sleeper cab. Not vertically obviously but in terms of floor space.

You’ve not done nights out in a pod, have you? :grimacing: :sunglasses:

I have and there is plenty of room upstairs, you sleep better too because there are no windows letting light in during the day.

I found climbing into the box through the hatch a pain, once upstairs you cant sit up properly, you cant stand up in the cab, unless you stick your head through the hatch.
It’s a crap design, below is the size of a standard day cab, and upstairs is a box (I’ll not call it a coffin, but it’s not far off) with a hole in the floor.

The top sleeper was invented for one reason only. To add space for three more Euro pallets. And ■■■■ the driver…

the nodding donkey:

Tbf those sleeper pods often have more room than a sleeper cab. Not vertically obviously but in terms of floor space.

You’ve not done nights out in a pod, have you? :grimacing: :sunglasses:

I once owned a Sprinter van with a pod. Obviously I peeled off the ridiculous “pony fantasy” stickers on it, but I can confirm that it was indeed deceptively spacious and comfortable.

the maoster:

the nodding donkey:

Tbf those sleeper pods often have more room than a sleeper cab. Not vertically obviously but in terms of floor space.

You’ve not done nights out in a pod, have you? :grimacing: :sunglasses:

I once owned a Sprinter van with a pod. Obviously I peeled off the ridiculous “pony fantasy” stickers on it, but I can confirm that it was indeed deceptively spacious and comfortable.

That’s just the Stella speaking. :grimacing:

Not well-liked in Germany either:

Not well-liked in Germany either:

how did he think he would get away with that lmao.

but then, to try it must mean they have done in the past :laughing:

Das polizei: you know what’s up, don’t you?

the driver: yeah I’ll call the boss for another truck…