
got my first part of the dcpc in may,an they do it half an hour away from me at the college,happy days.

got my first part of the dcpc in may,an they do it half an hour away from me at the college,happy days.

what is it? i’ve never heard of a dcpc. could explain what it is please.

the driver cpc,thought all new that on here


the driver cpc,thought all new that on here

Ignore Limeyphil, he thinks he’s a comedian and the dCPC will be optional or abolished before 2014 :unamused:

Well done for getting on with it, don’t expect it to change your world though mate.

Ignore Limeyphil, he thinks he’s a comedian and the dCPC will be optional or abolished before 2014 :unamused:

…whilst demonstrating himself on many occasions why its needed.


Ignore Limeyphil, he thinks he’s a comedian and the dCPC will be optional or abolished before 2014 :unamused:

…whilst demonstrating himself on many occasions why its needed.

really? :unamused:


‘…the driver cpc…’

‘…Well done for getting on with it, don’t expect it to change your world though mate…’

I choose to paraphrase that to read ‘…we don’t want it, we didn’t vote for it, the nation won’t benefit much from it but because we are subordinate to the EU we have to both eat [zb] & pay for it (often in our own time) too…’ :wink:

N.B. Objectors might be so kind as to identify which bits I’ve got wrong by explaining why & how, etc.

did my first 7 hours,bored to tears but its done,and the trainer even sends a certificate to show what you done,bring on the next boredom day,lol

Started my ADR today aswell,which counts as 21 hours towards it.I must say I was very bored to start with, because I am not very academic,and have the attention span of a walnut.
But must admit by mid afternoon everyone had a had a chance to have a chat and mingle with each other,and opened up a bit,it was quite funny, specially the first aid bit with the dummies.I am looking forward to the next 4 days :open_mouth: never thought I would say that. :grimacing:

‘…Started my ADR today …I am looking forward to the…’

Pending pay rise?

No such enticement with the DCPC lure for us saps not on the higher £££’s whack of ADR though, eh :exclamation:

Happy Keith:

‘…Started my ADR today …I am looking forward to the…’

Pending pay rise?

No such enticement with the DCPC lure for us saps not on the higher £££’s whack of ADR though, eh :exclamation:

I have both and neither have brought the £££’s

The job has still got to be available for you to get it, you can have all the qualifications in the world and still end up flipping burgers.

Also, all the qualifications and no exp vs someone else with all the same qualifications and 10yrs exp… There’s plenty of both out there on the job market.

Are there any vacancies in the burger flipping industry,usual questions regarding pay and conditions?

Are there any vacancies in the burger flipping industry,usual questions regarding pay and conditions?

At certain places yes there are vacancies, (hourly) pay and (contract) conditions better than driving 44t, BUT would you want to do it?
Stuck in a grease filled room with loads of teenagers, a manager who’s voice is still breaking, smelling like a hamburger for 12hrs after your shift even though you’ve showered 4 times etc…