DCPC in West Yorkshire

Does anybody know of a company offering the dcpc in West Yorkshire at a decent price, preferably around £200-£250 mark or less for the full 35 hours?

If anybody knows anywhere or anybody offering cheap dcpc’s or any other options then please feel free to send me a pm.

According to their site its £35 per day and done in Dewsbury

Seems to be done on the weekends

Be interesting to know who it is in Dewsbury, as it’s only 5 minutrs from my gaff.


That looks a little iffy. Bit like one of those driver training brokers - I may be wrong. I notice they also charge £5 for certificates and terms say the driver must bring £10 cash for DSA fees. That makes it £50 per course. Oh there’s a £2.50 card fee.

I offer. DCPC held in Holiday Inn Wakefield but only at weekends. If you want to know more drop me a message via Trucknet

As for price - what you quoted isn’t far off the mark

Castleford Community Learning Centre, £50 a time.