Davy Hourguard Question

I am using the new CE02 hourguard. It beeps once to warn that you are on your tenth hour of driving. But shud it also beep on the half hour and ‘count down’ until ten hours driving are up.
Luckily i had checked at my break how long i had left ; 2hrs 22minutes; as i always do. It beeped once then never made a sound. Time passes quickly when you are having fun and i just happened to notice i had ten minutes driving left. Had it been dark could well have gone over.
Think i should be phoning about the recall !.Thanks.

I am using the new CE02 hourguard. It beeps once to warn that you are on your tenth hour of driving. But shud it also beep on the half hour and ‘count down’ until ten hours driving are up.
Luckily i had checked at my break how long i had left ; 2hrs 22minutes; as i always do. It beeped once then never made a sound. Time passes quickly when you are having fun and i just happened to notice i had ten minutes driving left. Had it been dark could well have gone over.
Think i should be phoning about the recall !.Thanks.

The Timer should beep to advise of a pending break such as 45 mins etc every 5 minutes from 30 mins remaining.

As far as I’m aware, it should warn you when you only have 30 mins remaining regardless of whether its a 9th or 10th hour as thats what the specifications were.

As far as I’m aware DTS now have the PCB’s in stock for the replacements

Tel 0845 129 8592 for details on returning it for repair.

just had this from DTS

Could you please send in your DHG CE02 for your free upgrade, send
just the unit with the battery wrapped in a jiffy back with a note detailing your full name and address and we will return it to you asap, we are working on a
3 day return.

The returns address is
DTS Limited
8 Forest Way

I have also noticed that you do NOT get a count down beep every 5 minutes up to tenth hour. No problem with 4.5 and 9, just with 10. It also shows a full 4.5 available period (i.e. ‘Break before’) during that last hour.

However, it does give an alarm when the 10 hours are up - as I found out one day last week. oopps!

Maybe the new software will sort this. I’m posting mine off for upgrade this weekend - hope I see it back in the promised 3 days :confused:

It Appears that there is still a fault that was undetected and has just come to light :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush:

Firstly I will apologise profusely to the users of the Hour Guard CE02’s

Anyway let me explain: :confused: :confused: :confused:

When setting the day up you are given the option of scrolling through the days using the daily break button

Obviously everyone who has bought the timer has simply set it up by scrolling to the day and like myself, has not noticed the Fault. :blush: :blush: :blush:

When scrolling through the day you get to Sat then Sun then Sat then Mon etc :blush:

This does not affect the timers operation as it is based on 7 days in the program, however, after the first week you will if you search through the search info, find that on Monday it will show sunday then the following week it will show Saturday on the monday.

I regret to say that even the replacement PCB’s DTS are fitting now include that fault, along with our Tacho Guard version, luckily I have caught this early so I’m going to offer a free upgrade to the new legislation software for the customers buying the Tacho Guard.

The fault is VERY MINIMAL and does not affect data as it is downloaded as Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 etc etc etc

Another Fault found is the charging text is not being displayed on the top of the screen, at present I dont know if the low battery warning is working or not as I have to wait for the battery to run down.

I have asked the software writer to correct these faults immediately for us and hopefully all should be rectified within 3 weeks or so, the new legislation software should be available by January 2007

Please accept my sincere apologies for the problems encountered with the CE02 timers :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

Once the above faults are sorted and the new legislation included, I will be asking for further alterations to be carried out, but one thing at a time for now.

About to put my timer in the post for PCB upgrade

Just wondered if anyone had got theirs back…■■

Any probs…■■

Posted mine back on Thursday special delivery by 1pm on the 11th. Just had a look on track & trcae it was delivered on the 11th at 11.30am BUT nobody about, so its at Harrogate delivery office. A card was left at DTS.
So anybody thinking of sending them back send it special delivery to be signed for. Its about £4.50 which I think is worth it.

Posted mine back on Thursday special delivery by 1pm on the 11th. Just had a look on track & trcae it was delivered on the 11th at 11.30am BUT nobody about, so its at Harrogate delivery office. A card was left at DTS.
So anybody thinking of sending them back send it specia; delivery to be signed for. Its about £4.50 which I think is worth it.

His Wife works in the local post office, I sent 2 Nokia 6680 mobile phones back recorded delivery, a signature was available from Royal Mail but he claimed he had not recieved them :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

Needless to say, When I stated I was taking it up with Royal Mail as they signature they had was MF Scott he decided that it was not worth pursuing as there was only a couple of months left on the contract. :confused: :confused: :confused:

I would seriously advise using recorded delivery at the very least. :wink: :wink: :wink:

Sent mine back last Saturday. No news yet - so much for 3 day turn around!!

Sent mine back Thursday the 3rd August, got it back on Monday 7th August.
Used it for on week now seems to be ok. No new instructions or any info about what has been fixed or not fixed just came back in jiffy bag.
I have bought a new timer from Davey Driver & I am just waiting for that to come so i can run them both along side each other to see if DTS hour guard has been upgraded.The clock has not lost any time yet so something must have been changed.

Got mine back this morning.

Sent mine back last Saturday. No news yet - so much for 3 day turn around!!

Got it this morning - 10 days :confused:

BUT - it does not work anymore :angry: No display at all. Completely blank. However, plug it into the USB and the computer can see it, so something is happening.

Any ideas Davey?? I don’t hold out much hope for a reply from DTS on this!!!


Sent mine back last Saturday. No news yet - so much for 3 day turn around!!

Got it this morning - 10 days :confused:

BUT - it does not work anymore :angry: No display at all. Completely blank. However, plug it into the USB and the computer can see it, so something is happening.

Any ideas Davey?? I don’t hold out much hope for a reply from DTS on this!!!

Are there any batteries in it? :laughing:

Rob K:


Sent mine back last Saturday. No news yet - so much for 3 day turn around!!

Got it this morning - 10 days :confused:

BUT - it does not work anymore :angry: No display at all. Completely blank. However, plug it into the USB and the computer can see it, so something is happening.

Any ideas Davey?? I don’t hold out much hope for a reply from DTS on this!!!

Are there any batteries in it? :laughing:

Thank you for that most helpful comment Rob K :laughing: Yes - and fully charged!!

As it happens, I was just about to edit my post as I have just taken the case apart and the reset button was trapped so that it was permanantly pressed - hence the problem. I don’t think it can have been tested after the new board was fitted as I had sent the unit with battery removed and stuck to the screen with a sticky label showing my return address. This had not been removed.

It seems to be OK at the moment.

Incidently, there was a note included with mine stating that the POA and WTD problems have been resolved by ‘fitting a new PCB’ but the promised battery charge indicator has not as ‘it needs to go on a new design of the motherboard’. AS there is only one PCB/ motherboard in it, me thinks they don’t know what they are on about :confused:

Incidently, there was a note included with mine stating that the POA and WTD problems have been resolved by ‘fitting a new PCB’ but the promised battery charge indicator has not as ‘it needs to go on a new design of the motherboard’. AS there is only one PCB/ motherboard in it, me thinks they don’t know what they are on about :confused:

Okay I’ll explain the situation fully so you can understand it, Lol

Victor the software writer corrected the faults in the software within 2 days as soon as they were brought to his attention, but, what was not considered was that on the test model that both myself and victor use for running tests, there was a spare wire connected to the processor, unfortunately on the final PCB the spare tracks were removed to allow the pcb design to be condensed.

So in effect, the charge warning is working but there is no track from the processor to the LCD screen to carry the signal, this means that the PCB designer now has to either add a track to the PCB or add a termination point for a track near the LCD contacts and another by the Processor so a wire may be soldered to join both and therefore create the link.

DTS Are fitting the PCB’s that you have recieved but, in all honesty the PCB will need replaced yet again once its sorted out in approx 8 weeks time, and at £8.00 odd per PCB its not going to be cheap for them.

I had 500 timers delivered and I’ve decided to sell them at trade price and offer a free upgrade to the new software in January 2007 once all the problems are corrected and the final version is available, as I see it, its cheaper to replace 1 PCB than do it twice.

The 2 faults are very minimal and dont affect the operation of the timer in any way but I would still prefer to see it perfected rather than ignored.

I’m waiting to see what DTS plans to do next year as I certainly wont be allowing them the use of the 2007 software and I cannot see them paying for their own version to be written :confused: :confused: :confused:

In fact now that my Bankruptcy has been Discharged it will be interesting to see what they plan to do this year :laughing: :laughing:

Davey Driver:
I had 500 timers delivered and I’ve decided to sell them at trade price and offer a free upgrade to the new software in January 2007 once all the problems are corrected and the final version is available, as I see it, its cheaper to replace 1 PCB than do it twice.

Thanks Davey

Sounds to me that the best thing is to stick with this DTS timer until next year, then cut my losses and buy one of yours once the upgraded software/ PCB have been completed and fully proven.

No doubt you will keep us masses fully informed :smiley:

Davey Driver:
I’m waiting to see what DTS plans to do next year as I certainly wont be allowing them the use of the 2007 software and I cannot see them paying for their own version to be written :confused: :confused: :confused:

In fact now that my Bankruptcy has been Discharged it will be interesting to see what they plan to do this year :laughing: :laughing:

Good luck Davey!

I’ll be keeping an eye peeled for them in the cookery section of my local Asda as I still can’t get my soft boiled eggs to be soft boiled so maybe one of your glorified egg timers will solve all my problems! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: .

Rob K:
I’ll be keeping an eye peeled for them in the cookery section of my local Asda as I still can’t get my soft boiled eggs to be soft boiled so maybe one of your glorified egg timers will solve all my problems! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: .

Depends how soft you like it Rob :wink: :wink: :wink:


Timer returned this morning with new PCB fitted

Was wondering Davey if your new fault free PCB could be fitted into the CE 02

Maybe for a small fee :wink:

Don’t really want to deal with DTS again ( not sure if my heart could take the strain ). But think the timer is a great bit of kit and would be lost without it.

Fingers crossed

I was just about to pop my CE02 in the post before I read this.

I have to agree with Gat, is there a chance that come January you could replace the pcb with one from the Tacho Guard Davey?

After reading the posts on here and your ongoing battle with DTS, I think that for a small fee, I would rather trust the brains behind the organisation.