Matt has arrived, just got to tip and get straight back on the return sailing, Buzzer
The Taxi
The Approach
Getting nearer
Waiting his turn
The delivery point.
Matt has arrived, just got to tip and get straight back on the return sailing, Buzzer
A little trip to Switzerland to start the year not quite Tenerife but it’ll do lol
Clear customs St Loui (not the best) tip down nr Lousanne & loaded Toblerones in Bern & all in one day
The driver did well to get that big solar panel through the border. Bet he struggled with the peage!
Tracy Island pretty full yesterday & so was me n Moxey after demolishing that dinner sausages in onion gravy mash potato & veg followed by that 80’s favourite Vienetta lol
Goodness me, that reminds me of the American version of this forum, they have a thread entitled ‘Where is Everyone?’ which is intended to show the variations of the US in all it’s glory.
But what I see first is pictures of enormous dinners they are about to consume in a truckstop. Good job they understand my humour because they take it all in good part when I joke that I don’t know how they cope with their other major concern, weighbridges, and how they keep within the law on them.
Should have given me a call, you could have had sausages gratis mate, Buzzer
Damn, and I was only 759 kms away the other day.
Still am.
This week sent all my store cattle to Melton Mowbray market a new destination for me, mainly as we are in the Bluetongue area, double deck artic took 23 of mine and 6 of a friends all loaded on Tuesday and put in lairage for sale on Wednesday, market is strong and they averaged £1870 net with commission out. Certainly would look again at this way out for selling, problem now is finding stirks to replace them so will be looking, Buzzer