Davies Int. Southampton. With photos (Part 1)

Andrew Morrison:

Evening Buzzer

Another busy week up ere on the machinery front back home now for a spot of farming, started out dry this morning but turned very wet this afternoon.
Got the lambing shed ready for the early lambers to come in which should be next week sometime, times getting on and the days are starting to draw out if only very slowly.

Evening Wrighty,think I see you couple weeks ago there was two of you not far apart from each other it was a bit last minute did put me hand up lol
Cheers Andrew

Evening Snapper

I must of been on autopilot although I did see a blue n white coming out of Hull last Wednesday, will keep mi eyes peeled cos we haven’t had that brew yet…

Cheers Wrighty.



Andrew Morrison:

Evening Buzzer

Another busy week up ere on the machinery front back home now for a spot of farming, started out dry this morning but turned very wet this afternoon.
Got the lambing shed ready for the early lambers to come in which should be next week sometime, times getting on and the days are starting to draw out if only very slowly.

Evening Wrighty,think I see you couple weeks ago there was two of you not far apart from each other it was a bit last minute did put me hand up lol
Cheers Andrew

Evening Snapper

I must of been on autopilot although I did see a blue n white coming out of Hull last Wednesday, will keep mi eyes peeled cos we haven’t had that brew yet…

Cheers Wrighty.

Best of luck with that trip Wrighty, the weather don’t look great with a bit of the white stuff about, stay safe mate, cheers Buzzer

Just found this old picture from when we used to go overland to Bosnia during that conflict and the shot just shows a bit of the destruction caused to houses of ordinary people, Roger a driver with us for over 20 years discussing summit with Adrian a caulk head as they were known from the IOW, Buzzer.

Buzzer, Don’t know if you’ve seen this post by Paul Stevens on FB Europe and beyond early days. Interesting comments.



Yes John I have, Paul used to do the odd trip for us in the summer months when he wanted a break from his work as a truck electrician and back in the early days he was the go too man for Eberspatcher night heaters. that’s when there were about 20 companies and OD’s doing International work in Southampton and around, not like that anymore most are and he was always busy especially at weekends.
First time I went to Italy was over Cenis, I was running down from Paris with two of Barry A Titterall’s Scanias out of London and there was rumour of a customs strike at the border, having never been before I tagged on the back but I had a 110 and they had 140 & 141’s so hard to keep up and when we got on the steps going down the other side that was the end of the que and there we sat for two days but I loved that route, most of all once you had loaded and on your way home to get up the top of Cenis where the air was cool and no mozzies was heaven, Mary Hopkins moments them but that’s all gone now, cheers Buzzer.

Photos like that remind us how lucky we have been - first to even still be here after driving lorries with brakes that barely worked and engines that, to quote a certain North Eastern contributor 'wouldn’a pull yer granny off the Nettie ’ (I had to ask for a translation!).

Then to drive the first of the modern generation of trucks. Not electronic, but warm, comfortable and reasonably quiet ( I only notice my tinnitus when I think about it!) dig the flares!

Good days.


Flairs were all the rage back then, Buzzer

Ok, I’m good with the flares - not so sure about that T shirt!

Good mirrors. I remember trying to reverse into a tight space in Wallsend with a load of timber in my 375 engine Leyland 4 wheeler in '69 . The mirrors were something your granddaughter would find too small to powder her face!

BUT. All I got was encouragement and help. No sarcastic remarks, they could see I was a virgin. Pleased to help. Brother Andy bought me some bigger mirrors for my 21st birthday present - some 3 weeks after I began my driving career!


Let’s get loaded & Gel on into the night lol

Just tipped New Mills jobs a good un

On the boat again all that room & they still park you right next to the wall making it difficult to get out WHY■■?

Yes John I have, Paul used to do the odd trip for us in the summer months when he wanted a break from his work as a truck electrician and back in the early days he was the go too man for Eberspatcher night heaters. that’s when there were about 20 companies and OD’s doing International work in Southampton and around, not like that anymore most are and he was always busy especially at weekends.
First time I went to Italy was over Cenis, I was running down from Paris with two of Barry A Titterall’s Scanias out of London and there was rumour of a customs strike at the border, having never been before I tagged on the back but I had a 110 and they had 140 & 141’s so hard to keep up and when we got on the steps going down the other side that was the end of the que and there we sat for two days but I loved that route, most of all once you had loaded and on your way home to get up the top of Cenis where the air was cool and no mozzies was heaven, Mary Hopkins moments them but that’s all gone now, cheers Buzzer.

Thats a great pic Buzzer, a good “Mary Hopkins moment” :smiley: :smiley:

Just what you would not want to run into if you were climbing up Mont Cenis. :laughing: :laughing:

mont cenis.jpg

the why is because I told them too, if they see the flyswat make life hard… plus they maybe thing your French/or some other euro origin [left ■■■■■■] or just a wind up…dbp.

Busy day here as I sold my 35 steers on line and the truck turned up today to take them away and what a truck it was well wagon and drag double deck, after looking at the steers the driver wanted 12 on the trailer and the rest on the truck so he dropped of the drag as any one knows our place it is limited access, any way after advising him we were by a school so best to come between 9.30am and 1pm so as to avoid the multitude of cars collecting kids. He arrived just before 1pm so we got a move on but had a slight delay as at 15ft 6 high he knocked a big branch of an oak tree which blocked the road so we had to clear that first, that done we carried on and got all loaded but his electric tailboard on the trailer failed so back out with my loader and we gingerly lifted it up and he strapped it for extra security, then we had to wait for all the school cars to disappear and we got him away at 4pm. Just the cleanup tomorrow now and put all the gates away till the next time and sit and wait for the payment, that’s all folks Buzzer.

Paul sent me this one today Buzzer. :wink:

Paul sent me this one today Buzzer. :wink:


Thanks for the picture Dean, not so many of ours on the roads today not like the old times eh, Buzzer

Jet lagged this morning after getting up at 6am to take me mates 10 Angus steers to the Candlemas sale, over 1000 head there and his did really well ending up going to a buyer from Wales, though it rained all day which was pretty dismal at least he came home with a smile on his face. The best bit of the day was the breakfast he bought me which is nice after being up 3 hours, cant eat it first thing, cheers Buzzer.

Morning Buzzer

It will feel like your retired now all the cattle have gone, how long before we see some replacements?.
Sat here this morning and it’s wet and very windy too wet to go and feed the sheep so may leave them till later, got a load of straw coming at dinner time so hopefully it’s not too sodden.
Busy week at work Dundee on Monday, Chelmsford on Thursday and lots of places in-between.

Cheers Wrighty.







Aye up Wrighty it is a tad quiet round here now with the steers departed and only the chooks to fettle at the moment, got me muck trailer ready for the big clean out but that is on hold at the moment as the ground where it is going is far too wet to get on just now but we are forecast for dry and sun for 10 or so days to come so maybe we can get at it in a week if it dries up a bit,
Going to Salisbury market on Thursday as they have a Candlemas sale there with 600 head entered, going in the truck so you never know if summit catches me eye and the price is right then we may be in business but I wont be getting carried away, bin there and done that too often.
There was a big entry of 80 Lim steers in Frome Friday been weaned only one week and they made storming money, they were only 7 to 8mo but superb quality from a proper outfit with the best steers high 800’s and the heifers not that far behind so he had a cracking day. Auctions are a fickle place to go as you never quite know what outcome you will get but my mate who’s 10 dairy X Angus with named sires made 855 and that was £100 more than he thought but two men had a bidding war at the end and he was well pleased with the result and is flying out to Cape Verdi in later this morning for a bit o warm sun.
Must say you do get about a bit with your work and all over the country with different loads, you said you had straw coming in but I have noticed that a lot is coming on the market of late and at a bit more sensible prices, this happens most years then all of a sudden they think they will get stuck with it and start emptying the sheds.
Well its half past midnight now, have been to bed but could not sleep so came down and made a cup of tea and had a browse so its back up the wooden hill now, Buzzer.

Early one morning just as the sun was rising in a wet n windy Holland lol