David Hathaway sold up

Sold to Kinaxia, looks like the boys are staying on to run things.

bristolpost.co.uk/news/busi … ed-2842242


Who are kanixia anyway ? Seem to be seeing there stickers on a lot of trucks lately mostly on Mark Thompson’s. And various others.

They spent one hell lot of money over the last 5 years. Wonder if they still be here in another 5 years :neutral_face:

Who are kanixia anyway ? Seem to be seeing there stickers on a lot of trucks lately mostly on Mark Thompson’s. And various others.

I wondered that, they seem to have a warehouse at Crick and a dozen firms under their ownership now.

Mr Norfolk has got his fingers in a few pies. 53 so far. Mainly AK Worthingtons

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Yep another one joins my (now enlarged) lot.

Just waiting for one in Scotland now… and a rebrand to get rid of all company names…

The warehouse is two minutes along the A5 from our yard. Most of it is storage as opposed to goods in and quickly out again.

What are they like to work for? Do they change the way the company they have just bought out work or just new owners in name only?

Yet another hideously corporate,sterile name,Kinaxia ffs,David Hathaway sounds so much more rooted in the cultural landscape,Billy waggledaggers chick if I’m any judge,not too far away in Warwickshire. :frowning:

The whirlwind:
What are they like to work for? Do they change the way the company they have just bought out work or just new owners in name only?

Certainly with my lot not a great deal had changed but then I just drive a lorry.

From the planners they say it’s easier to get a backload now and there’s lots of things going on to make things like policies a company wide thing throughout all operators etc etc but in terms of me doing my job not a great deal has changed.