david cameron

the leader of the torries broke 4 rules while cycling .he got how many points :question: what was the fine (nil) anyone want to try this in a hgv/ lgv
points /fine/ no job
as somebody that deals with the stupidity of cyclists on a daily basis
this gives the green light to cyclists to do what they want .and they usually do
i had a cyclist pull herself along the buckles on my trailer when i was at a roundabout .if i hadnt checked my mirrors she was dead :frowning:
she was lucky
i think cameron should be charged with something :question:

the leader of the torries broke 4 rules while cycling .he got how many points :question: what was the fine (nil) anyone want to try this in a hgv/ lgv
points /fine/ no job :question:

Errrrr,its a bit different really, going down a one way on a Bike compared to a Truck.
Come to think of it there’s NO comparison in sensible terms whatsoever :open_mouth:

the leader of the torries broke 4 rules while cycling .he got how many points :question: what was the fine (nil) anyone want to try this in a hgv/ lgv
points /fine/ no job
as somebody that deals with the stupidity of cyclists on a daily basis
this gives the green light to cyclists to do what they want .and they usually do
i had a cyclist pull herself along the buckles on my trailer when i was at a roundabout .if i hadnt checked my mirrors she was dead :frowning:
she was lucky
i think cameron should be charged with something :question:

i hope you got out and shouted very very loudly at that cyclist

i wouldve really lost my temper

Was listening to it on thursday/friday ? on radio2
Sayed he “over shot” the red light to get a quick exit on the lights changing , personaly i have no problem with a cyclist doing this gets him out my way quicker
As for him going down a one way street the wrong way , once again i have no real problem with this as long as he/she take care ,stay out cars/trucks/buses etc ways and we are ALL FINE :wink:

push bicycle CBT anyone…

Getting to the point should have somthing like that or require cyclist to have insurance.

If some ■■■■ on a bike wants to put themselves under my trailer fair enough, or if they want to hammer through a red light and get run over again fair enough.

Problem ive got is, they get away with it and the poor sod who hits them gets screwed over. HVG driver runs over a cyclist because the cyclist has come up your blind spot when your turning right, chances are HGV will get screwed for it, end up in court for god knows what because someone else has done the wrong thing.

Cyclist ran a red light on a pedistrian crossing hit and killed an eldery lady. £150 fine that was it, imagine running a red light in a truck and killing somone i don’t think we would escape with just a £150 fine.

i had a cyclist pull herself along the buckles on my trailer when i was at a roundabout .if i hadnt checked my mirrors she was dead :frowning:
she was lucky

So what did you do :question:

An incident of cyclist stupidity last week in Cambridge,
I had pulled up at a set of red lights, when one of those ‘Earth mother’ types wearing hippie style clothing, rode up the side of me while waiting at the lights.
Then I noticed the child seat, complete with four to five year old child on board…She rode straight on over the red light narrowly being missed by a transit van heading across from the other direction!

Bikes have for too long flouted common basic rules of the road, time for a clampdown methinks :confused: