Dave's Story

Hi Dave
I’ve just payed your site a visit and I think it is looking great. Plenty of info and lots of different interesting items, like “real permits !!” No disney characters, heh heh !!
I’m so glad that you made good use of some of my " Vogue photography" !! Bathe it daily ? Who’s he…
I have some more photos which you can include on your site, when I get a chance to put them up, and the other person in the pic with you and Buttons, the arm in the xmas sweater is that of Red Leader One.
How about a section on Ex-Middle-east drivers " where are you now and what are you upto" I’ve also got some photos for that, and I’m sure the lads have too…
Best regards

Hi Gavin, Many thanks for your comment’s, any content that you or others feel may be relevent to this site will be welcome, as it states on the home page any material will be listed under the contributors name.
The site has plenty of room for expansion, so suggestions on what to put on it are welcome.
The best way to send Photographs or stories is to put them in a folder & email them to me at mackie@gmx.co.uk


davemackie Cracking snaps ; including my old trucks :8 snaps in all.
Fretitallia x 3, Blu White, Rentco F88, Red white n,blu DAF wagon n drag , Marco Fumm FIAT & the blu Roba Scania on its side that Gordon met his end in . If you start posting snaps of my women you will run out of space ! LOL
Funny thing looking at the snaps of the gals ,all are going for or eating food except the gal in pink .Didn’t notice that before .