Dates with a lorry driver...

If you can’t wait for BBC’s Truckers series to begin, and you need your fix of a predictably disappointing portrayal of a stereotyped truck driver on terrestrial TV, why not tune in to ‘Dates’ on Monday, 10pm, Channel 4.

Actually, I shouldn’t be dismissive. It sounds like a decent new series. In the first episode next week, ‘David is a lorry driver from Yorkshire making his first foray into online dating, where he meets the beautiful Mia.’

It might offer some tips to you lonely, single drivers out there!

…It might offer some tips to you lonely, single drivers out there!

Also applies to the sad, desperate, married, lonely drivers too :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

If you can’t wait for BBC’s Truckers series to begin, and you need your fix of a predictably disappointing portrayal of a stereotyped truck driver on terrestrial TV, why not tune in to ‘Dates’ on Monday, 10pm, Channel 4.

Actually, I shouldn’t be dismissive. It sounds like a decent new series. In the first episode next week, ‘David is a lorry driver from Yorkshire making his first foray into online dating, where he meets the beautiful Mia.’

It might offer some tips to you lonely, single drivers out there!

What happens if this is “Mia” though?

…although you could do worse I guess…

Mutha Bacon.jpg

How many of us would settle for the PG variety of “Tips”? :unamused:

Dates with a lorry driver…

Thanks but no thanks there all fat smelly prostitute shagging/dogging addicts. Ooh don’t forget murderers.

Apparently… Well according to our media and I believe everything I see of course so thanks but no thanks

Plus I’m straight and I’ve only seen one fit woman driver in 5 years so the odds don’t stack up :stuck_out_tongue:

Plus I’m straight and I’ve only seen one fit woman driver in 5 years so the odds don’t stack up :stuck_out_tongue:

booker haydock?

There is a good looking lass driving a carplan/oils rigid about scotland. Think its operated by bibby. Ive got a date the morra at edinburgh zoo hope i see some pandas shagging :grimacing:


Plus I’m straight and I’ve only seen one fit woman driver in 5 years so the odds don’t stack up :stuck_out_tongue:

booker haydock?

Owner driver type, rigid container with attachments for ?trailer? Don’t quote me on that though
Dark hair slim ■■■■ very pretty… Shame she never got out of her cab :frowning: I was gonna wow her with my truck related BS like every other guy to talk to her and hope she likes my ugly mono brow very hairy/ dribble/coffee stained beard and my string vest complete with shiny trackies and matching crocs. Don’t forget the knock off ■■■ hanging out of my tar stained teeth :wink:

There’s a few birds coming and going in tractors at Coventry Airport for different firms… The rest of the country, I’ve yet to see 2 together at the same time. Cut that out!

There is a good looking lass driving a carplan/oils rigid about scotland. Think its operated by bibby. Ive got a date the morra at edinburgh zoo hope i see some pandas shagging :grimacing:

Was talking to her yesterday at United Maxwell Rd. Nice lass,but I think she is married to another driver at Bibby so you’ve no chance of firing into her.:smiley::grin:



Plus I’m straight and I’ve only seen one fit woman driver in 5 years so the odds don’t stack up :stuck_out_tongue:

booker haydock?

Owner driver type, rigid container with attachments for ?trailer? Don’t quote me on that though
Dark hair slim ■■■■ very pretty… Shame she never got out of her cab :frowning: I was gonna wow her with my truck related BS like every other guy to talk to her and hope she likes my ugly mono brow very hairy/ dribble/coffee stained beard and my string vest complete with shiny trackies and matching crocs. Don’t forget the knock off ■■■ hanging out of my tar stained teeth :wink:

She probably used to be a Para called Cliff and is still waiting for the op :smiley: I’ve seen a couple who look fit when they’re in the cab and when they have got out I’ve had the fright of my life! :open_mouth:

I know of 2x truckers who purchased their current missus from websites looking to place former Thai bar girls with decent & honest, yet ever so slightly naive punters.

Good luck to 'em, I wish them well.

It’s gotta be better than a tramper parking up behind some other smelly fat tramper & spending the rest of the night fantasising about whether or not the big fat slob is going to knock on your door, climb into your cab & ■■■■ & tug your willy while you dream of the missus you left behind because you chose a life of tramping over a normal family life.

I know of 2x truckers who purchased their current missus from websites looking to place former Thai bar girls with decent & honest, yet ever so slightly naive punters.

Good luck to 'em, I wish them well.

It’s gotta be better than a tramper parking up behind some other smelly fat tramper & spending the rest of the night fantasising about whether or not the big fat slob is going to knock on your door, climb into your cab & ■■■■ & tug your willy while you dream of the missus you left behind because you chose a life of tramping over a normal family life.

I lock my doors at night :wink: and that’s what the spears in the windows are for

When truckers on BBC start??

I have a mate who,several years ago,tried out this dating lark.This was before computers and being online.
He trawled the sleazy mags and phoned a number of a couple interested in letting a trucker shag the wife.
So my mate turns up,straight into it,shagging this blokes wife while the bloke is in the armchair having a J Arthur.
Just as the wife is squirting her fat,the guy jumps up and tries to shag my mate!
That’s when my mate thought he’d had enough,so he made his excuses and left.

That sounds like one of those horror stories on a par with “My mate hadn’t come back yet, then there was this nutter bouncing his severed head on the roof of the car!”

When detling layby got closed near a decade ago now, the local authorities were quick on their high horses to claim credit, but never bothered purchasing a stretch of farmer’s field to build a new layby further down.

If you can’t fix a problem, you shouldn’t break something to cause the problem in the first place.
Just who were these “local residents” that objected to everyone standing around (with overnight trampers getting a grandstand view without leaving the cab!) seeing some local tom get bollarded over a car bonnet? :confused:

The place was pitch black at night, and not visible from the main road - so who were the bloody nimbys if they were not just disgruntled at not getting a good view from the back of the wall of heads? :stuck_out_tongue:

Have you seen the young blonde in a Wisemans tanker Andover area,may wear black glasses and has pig tails hair do and Kate Gilliard on a quarry tipper was in the truck mags a few years ago in the Frome area and new tv docu about Brits living and working in Gibtraltar is worth a look on Ch 5 soon.


There is a good looking lass driving a carplan/oils rigid about scotland. Think its operated by bibby. Ive got a date the morra at edinburgh zoo hope i see some pandas shagging :grimacing:

Was talking to her yesterday at United Maxwell Rd. Nice lass,but I think she is married to another driver at Bibby so you’ve no chance of firing into her.:smiley::grin:

why not? As long as he’s steady with the camera on the tripod, what’s up? :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:


There is a good looking lass driving a carplan/oils rigid about scotland. Think its operated by bibby. Ive got a date the morra at edinburgh zoo hope i see some pandas shagging :grimacing:

Was talking to her yesterday at United Maxwell Rd. Nice lass,but I think she is married to another driver at Bibby so you’ve no chance of firing into her.:smiley::grin:

Typical; if you met the perfect one, she must be married or lesbian… :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:


There is a good looking lass driving a carplan/oils rigid about scotland. Think its operated by bibby. Ive got a date the morra at edinburgh zoo hope i see some pandas shagging :grimacing:

Was talking to her yesterday at United Maxwell Rd. Nice lass,but I think she is married to another driver at Bibby so you’ve no chance of firing into her.:smiley::grin:

I slung ma laptop out the windae time i got to this bit :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp:

Ive got maself a wee 25 year old tesco checkout girl… doing no bad ma man mr bibby can keep her warm im no fussed :grimacing:

I was in Chesterfield truck stop on my break once, and a good looking lady parked up next to me with one of NFT’s fridges. I was shocked to see her jump out the cab and strut across the yard in a dress!

Also, my lass passed her class 2 earlier this year, and thinks nothing of taking the motors to be serviced at the local dealer. I’d love to see the dealers faces as this blonde turns up in her heels and mini skirt to drop a wagon off. Heh heh

I was in Chesterfield truck stop on my break once, and a good looking lady parked up next to me with one of NFT’s fridges. I was shocked to see her jump out the cab and strut across the yard in a dress!

Also, my lass passed her class 2 earlier this year, and thinks nothing of taking the motors to be serviced at the local dealer. I’d love to see the dealers faces as this blonde turns up in her heels and mini skirt to drop a wagon off. Heh heh

The trucks don’t be the only thing getting serviced! :wink: :grimacing: