Date for the diary - it's for charitee mate!

I noticed this on the East Coast Truckers website, plenty of notice for all:

Sunday 25th May 2008

Main day at Crowfield Truck Show.

(Normally have a do on the Sat night too)
Now at Orwell Crossing Truck Stop on the A14 Eastbound, on concrete to avoid the fun & games that happened when it rained last year. (Thanks to Kindle for the pic!!). So I don’t know where all the Polish motors are going to park that weekend!!

Let’s hope for sunshine this year!!! And remember it’s for a good cause.

See this thread for pics of last year.[/b]

typical renault stuck in the mud!!!

come along people, its a great day out, got 70 trucks booked in so far, will be a great day, and like corcheela says, its all in the name of charity!

Mat, Looks like I’m not going to be around that weekend now, doh! What time does it start on the Sat?
Make sure you get plenty of pics!!

cant believe of all the trucks that got stuck my old one is the one in the photo!! dont miss that renault one bit!wanted to go but job change means i wont be bringing a truck but will pop along and say hello anyway!