Hi would anyone find it worthwhile buying one of these dashboard cameras?
I know they seem to be becoming a popular item for car and bike drivers. Never considered one until when I was signing contract for a driving job and seen that I would have to pay the £250 insurance excess if I had an accident and it was my fault. Is that a normal thing for companies to have?
Looking at one called transcent drive pro 200.
It’s about £80
Not that I am anticipating an accident but it might be useful if any rows over driving
Have a look through here
Thanks for that. Seems like a good job. Will hint for the missus to buy me one lol
Got one for the Mrs as shes a travelling nurse so on the road a lot. £80 from halfords plus we got a 32 gig sd card to go in it for a tenner off ebay. It auto records as soon as the ignition is on and shuts off when you turn the ignition off. If the car gets bumped and shes not in it, it will record for a set period of time. The softwsre you download it to is good as well, it shows a map of your route (it has gps built in) , g force on the car, speed and map coordinates. Im really impressed for the money.