Danger- Heavy Goods

Anyone read this book? I got an ex-library copy from the US a few weeks ago for an unbelievable £3.11 including postage (it normally goes around the £50 mark) and it’s a fascinating read, all about trucking to the Middle East.

I got a mint second hand copy from a bookshop in California last year, cost me £20 including postage as far as I can recall so you got a very good deal. Very good read. The same book also goes by the title Juggernaut, I think that was the title in the UK and Danger Heavy Haulage was the US title.
Now if only there was a copy of Cola Cowboys going for around the £3 mark. :wink: :smiley:

I’ve seen Cola Cowboys go for over £100 :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Edit- here’s one on eBay with a Buy It Now of £235 tinyurl.com/y3jz9z

I paid £73 for my Cola Cowboys off Ebay, which is in mint condition. Had various drivers ask to borrow it promising they will give it back. Yeah right, very likely!

Was it paperback…? I have a used copy that I was going to give to an ex-ME driver but I lost touch with him. Lucky Me!!! :laughing: :laughing:
It cost me £1.95…

I weekended at Macon :open_mouth: and was in the fortunate position to meet a bloke who had a copy of Cola Cowboys. He lent it to me and by the Sunday afternoon I had read it from cover to cover.

It is worth its weight in gold