
I dont think ive been on a loading bay since i started my current job, so had a bit of a problem this morning, i’ forgot what to do

I am joking, honest!!! i had to keep out the way in a small yard at Manchester evening news Arena, then had to back in for loading

as ive put these pics on, i may as well put another few random ones of the last few weeks
these 4 are Bournmouth






the 02 (what was the Millenium Dome)

Good photo’s kindle :smiley:
Ur DAF is looking smart.


dont know about smart mate, it hasnt has a wash for about 2 months!!! hope to get it done tomorrow when i get to the yard (at last!)

That drop in Bristol looks fun :smiley: :smiley: .
Park it like an italian eh? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

looks good carl, when is your next tour starting. :question:


I am joking, honest!!! i had to keep out the way in a small yard at Manchester evening news Arena, then had to back in for loading

I thought it looked familiar, I was there last year with Denzil on Al Green.



Also here on Pink with Richard and a couple of other chaps ! :sunglasses:


Motor lookin well mate.

trucks look good parked up inside arenas, not somewhere you normally see them. i’ve been inside the o2 and liverpools new one (forget name). strange feeling driving inside like that good photos now go wash your motor its a bloody disgrace

( post edited ) jd

great photos mate which tour were you on? i told you that i was going to be at manchester central doing the madness gig well they were good

trucks look good parked up inside arenas, not somewhere you normally see them. i’ve been inside the o2 and liverpools new one (forget name). strange feeling driving inside like that good photos now go wash your motor its a bloody disgrace

( post edited ) jd

that would be the echo arena, brand new, and a nightmare for trucks. what a suprise!!

hope you got the tri\uck washed vern, i got shouted at for not getting mine dit\rtier at simmonds filthy truckwash, i was close to flattening him…!

I’ve been meaning to ask someone this for ages: what’s the green plate with the white L for? Left-hand drive? And haven’t I seen a P or an R too? Mainly on continental trucks but is it a legal requirement in some countries?


A question for Mat or Kindle!
Saw one of your Volvo’s on a Y plate at the Echo arena (on Elton i think)
The name plate in the screen was Alice, Is that the same Alice who was on for Atkinson & Saunders?
I presume he’s back from Sweden! (finished with Micke Bollheim)

I’ve been meaning to ask someone this for ages: what’s the green plate with the white L for? Left-hand drive? And haven’t I seen a P or an R too? Mainly on continental trucks but is it a legal requirement in some countries?


i think its something to do with how much emmisssions your truck throws out for austria(not to sure on this) you have seen other letters on fridges it is something to do with them running on sundays with fresh food in italy spain etc ,the a is for recycled think that is for holland.hope this helps im probably wrong on some of it i did try lol

Here is one we did earlier but L means Quiet.

What do thegreen signs mean?

And literally it means.

Das “G” steht für “geräuscharm” (§ 49 StVZO Abs. 3.), das “L” für “lärmarm”. Fahrzeuge mit letztgenanntem Schild unterliegen nicht dem Nachtfahrverbot für LKW in Österreich (22-6 Uhr). Da bei “lärmarmen” Fahrzeugen verschärfte Bedingungen herrschen, wird auch nur dieses Symbol anerkannt, das “L” dagegen nicht.

thats right the L etc is too do wiv austria engine emmissions and running during bans etc, the a on fridges means authorization and replaced the d which stood for domineca (sunday) in italy. if i’m wrong i’m sure someone will point that out too me :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Thanks guys, Hanson, Wheel Nut and all - we live and learn indeed :smiley:

Neil E

A question for Mat or Kindle!
Saw one of your Volvo’s on a Y plate at the Echo arena (on Elton i think)
The name plate in the screen was Alice, Is that the same Alice who was on for Atkinson & Saunders?
I presume he’s back from Sweden! (finished with Micke Bollheim)

thats the bloke! you want him at your place!!! go on, take him away!

yeah would of been elton thats what he has been on

got it washed vern! sussed out why we get a big dull patch under the doors when they go to Diss. And your motor was minging when i saw it the other week!! but they do look good like that!
Sean, im on the Mighty Boosh still.


A question for Mat or Kindle!
Saw one of your Volvo’s on a Y plate at the Echo arena (on Elton i think)
The name plate in the screen was Alice, Is that the same Alice who was on for Atkinson & Saunders?
I presume he’s back from Sweden! (finished with Micke Bollheim)

thats the bloke! you want him at your place!!! go on, take him away!

yeah would of been elton thats what he has been on

Ain’t seen Alice(or Mark!) since he left Atki Saunders, he done some for us.It’s alright Mat you can keep him :laughing:
We’ve sent Ray Sudbury back to ya also. :wink:

youve got that motor looking well mate its very tidy :wink: