Dafs after a wash

It isn’t Terrys, its Mine.
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

ah lovely shine and clean!!!

also they do running to Europe work ? i wonder they have European/Brits flags ? :unamused: :slight_smile:

Ben. good pictures!

Nice pic’s malcn :smiley:

Great pics malcn, is that blue and white Daf yours aswell :slight_smile: :sunglasses: :slight_smile:

work for a truck dealer, the blue daf just came in , been on a rover contract , no rover, no work :cry: so firm got rid, terrys box same scenario terrys moved production from york to poland £1 spent in york = 10p spent in poland :open_mouth: :open_mouth: so terrys of york is terrys of poland :open_mouth: bet that does not go on there chocolate :laughing: :laughing: