Does anybody know how you get the interior lights to come on on an XF105 when you unlock the doors?
The step lights come on when you unlock the doors and that’s it…
If it’s like the cf then there should be a switch near the steering wheel on the right hand side.
I think there may be a master switch on lower dash down by your right knee.
check the bulbs
If the step lights are on then the master switch on the right hand side should be ok…Though before the bulbs try the switch on the centre of the dash
If the step lights are on then the master switch on the right hand side should be ok…Though before the bulbs try the switch on the centre of the dash
Tried all the switches, asked other drivers to have a look and nobody knows…
As people have said above, I’ll have a look at the bulbs - was a spare unit before I got so suspect that they’ve been swapped for dud ones…
the stupid switches on the doors are ok ■■?