Daf CF fuel computer reset?

Is it possible to reset the average fuel consumption readout on a 56 plated Daf CF? Not the trip figure - that’s easy! I’m looking at the figure shown under Vehicle Information/Fuel Consumption display. I’ve just been allocated a “new” (to me) truck, and according to the fuel computer, its average consumption is over 300mpg :open_mouth:

Is there a “hidden” button sequence, or does it have to go back to a main dealer for this to be reset?

:laughing: love to help but aint got a clue about DAFs, got a 4lb lump hammer in the side box if its any help though :laughing:

I haven’t been able to reset mine, just have to rely on the trip setting.

I think it’s a main dealer thing offa the computer.

Scroll to ‘average fuel consumption’ screen,then push and hold the control button in for more than 5 secs.

That may do it…let us know!


(most of these computer thingys are made by the same people, with very similar imputs/actions/results)

Scroll to ‘average fuel consumption’ screen,then push and hold the control button in for more than 5 secs.

That may do it…let us know!

No joy, I’m afriad - But thanks for the suggestion. I’ll wait until it goes in for a sevice and ask them nicely to reset it :wink:

No help - couldnt do mine either

NO you can never reset it you can reset your trip but your average is permanent

The average fuel consumption reading on the Midlam is reset
exactly as I described above.

I guess the electronics are different :astonished: