DAF 410 v/s 460

Last been twice in Southampton.
Down Ok and on Way back twice Diversion. Once from M3 J9 to J8 and M3 J5 via A30 to Stains
Southbound empty and Northbond light. (3000 kilo)
DAF 410 26.5 Liter per 100 Kilometer 58 Plate
DAF 460 30.5 liter per 100 Kilometer 64 plate

  • DAF 410 760000 Kilometer on the Clock

by 4 Liter on 100 Kilometer more would the 460 use 30000 Liter Fuel more till he has 760000 Kilometer on the Tacho.

Im just pointing that out as the Head Office just spent a unknown to me Sum to fit Electronic for helping me saving Fuel,and then they buy new Tractors which needs over 5 to 6 Year 30000 Liter more Fuel then the Present Units, and, Ha Ha, blaming the Driver if he needs 5 Liter more for a Trip then another driver.

:arrow_right: Think we need to keep a close Eye on our Head Offices

At a rough guess I would say that the 460 will do better under heavy loads than the 410 - bit like using a range rover to pull a camping trailer with 2 sleeping bags in it compared to a fiesta

At a rough guess I would say that the 460 will do better under heavy loads than the 410 - bit like using a range rover to pull a camping trailer with 2 sleeping bags in it compared to a fiesta

I think so too,but we dont have that heavy. Even with doubledeck we could go with a 2 Axle Unit. Never had 38000.
But i had 1 Meter made when it got Green till it was Red again with only Wheel spinning,as no Weight on Drive Axle. Around 4000-5000 Kilo if i dont load myself.

3 thoughts on this, 1st 64plate, give it a chance to loosen a little, then compare the fuel. 2nd heavy right foot ? wont make such a difference on a low powered truck running empty/light, but might on a more powerful truck. just because your light, don’t gun it. 3rd give it a 44ton run on both then wonder why its the other way round :wink: