Looking at buying a 57 plate one of these with plus 650kms on clock , what to look out for
I would suggest you find out about the service history and what has been done ,previous owner …and who the previous owner was if it was a contract vehicle …You should pat attention to the looms ,tilt the cab and see what state they are in where they bend at the cab tilt ram ,are they neat and tidy ,or slashed to hell and covered in black tape…Roadtest and check if 3rd 7th synchros are ok .generally from working on the vehicle I personally think they aren’t a bad truck ,wiring being their main let down…What I would suggest if you do buy one is with batt disconnected ,undo all the plugs and cover the the terminals in vaselene or lithium grease …Majority of DAF breakdowns are in winter when the weather get’s in to the looms…All in all they aren’t a bad truck ,all makes have their problems…Maintainance wise if you do your own repairs DAF are more mechanic friendly than other makes
Norb, has the oil usage issue been sorted on the MX engine at that age?
a friend of mine has a 57 plate 460 XF, and that uses a gallon of oil per week
Ahhh now that is a question shuttle spanker.i don’t now the date when the modified liners with the Anti Polishing Ring where fitted as standard in production .Also when doing the job ,new valve stem seals and inlet valve springs where fitted…Now not all vehicles suffered oil consumption issues…I know of one big user of the CF85 who never suffered any oil consumption issues which I thought was strange ,and their fleet is huge uk wide ,but surprisingly they wrecked camshafts on a weekly basis…I think they where on 07 plates so in the oil issue range ,but maybe being such a he user and the workshop not knowing better and drivers maybe not caring they just topped them up …Sadly for me nowdays the issue is fixed…i enjoyed doing them ,better than changing bulbs ,Again it is a question he can ask ,and depending on the warranty he gets if required he could get it done …There is a procedure for working out the oil consumption ,which relates to fuel consumption …So we send results to technical who then do the calculations and inform us if oil consumption is acceptable or not …I know a bit of a long winded reply
How about a 60reg
trucklocator.co.uk/view-truc … =DAF-XF105
tidy pair of ex Benton bros on ere
Another one here
Lol, you got a DAF fetish, kindle? You’re more excited than the fellow buying one
Lol, you got a DAF fetish, kindle? You’re more excited than the fellow buying one
I dont mind a Daf mate!
i do look at websites to see whats for sale (who’s packing up, upgrading etc) and those motors i put on are on some of the regular sites i look at!