:D Passed theory

Thanks to all the wellwishers, I did it, 60 on the multiple guess :astonished: and scraped the hazard perception with 50 :open_mouth:

Seriously though that Hazard test is a joke! and should be scrapped altogether or replaced with something sensible. If you agree with me and have your test coming up, take the time to fill out the survey questions afterwards and give the hazard test a “very unsatisfactory” it wont help you, but it may help someone in the future.

Congratulations on the pass,good luck with the rest of your training :smiley:
Simon :smiley:

**WELL DONE ON PASSING YOUR THEORY** :D :smiley: :smiley: **WELL DONE ON PASSING YOUR THEORY** :D :smiley: :smiley: **WELL DONE ON PASSING YOUR THEORY** :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

:grimacing: CONGRATULATIONS to schrodingers cat :smiley: :smiley:

A pass is a pass. :smiley:

Congratulations :slight_smile: We knew you could do it :slight_smile:

well done you2 next step the BLUE oh and no it is not :sunglasses: :cry: :sunglasses: :wink: it is killing me

:smiley: Thanks for the good wishes to you all :smiley:

Suggest you all stay off the roads around Newcastle as I start my class 2 training Thursay 5 june, test on Thursday 12 :open_mouth: