D-day celebration

i would just like to say a big thank you to all the service personnel who must have gone through things i hope i never have to.

i’ll 2nd that neil,they gave there lives for us god rest there souls,never to be forgotten :cry:

We owe a lot to those brave men & women. I’ve been watching the coverage on BBC several times my eyes have filled up with tears. They are so proud & it will be the last time many of them will get back to a celebration like that.

Only 2 replies for our brave men and women ? tut,tut,tut,

This is the time to remember not only the second world war, but all the wars our soldiers have lost their lives in.

The 1st and 2nd world wars, the Falklands, the Gulf, and Iraq.

Brave men and women, prepared to fight for our country.

Let us remember them all.

My Grandad was on HMS Royal Soveriegn a cruiser on atlantic convoy’s, does not really talk about it much, he should do so i can tell others what went on, he even has an oakleaf on one medal for saving someone’s life, i only got it out of him the other day.
Disagree with Niall this is for Normandy others have there day as well, but they were all brave

Thanks Dafman.
It seems the bravest men do not talk.

Every day should be a rememberance day in my opinion,for anyone who has fought, and died for our country.

Thanks also go to TruckNet, for not moving this post.

niall…i don’t agree with you that every day should be a remembarance day.i was in the gulf the 1st time round and i missed out on the falklands just by a couple of weeks.i know mates who where out there and lost some friends but they have there time and place for there rememberance and thats it.even closer to home take n.ireland i lost some great friends out there guys that i passed out with, guy’s that i worked with especially on the dog section which i was proud to be a part of and i lost a great dog handler friend and his dog.if i spent every day remembering these lost friends then i would not have any time to myself.i have my thoughts when the time comes up and that is my way of remembering my friends. :cry:

my thoughts are always with them and there families, :cry:

they may have gone but will never be forgotten :cry:

just like today :cry:

We owe a debt to all the brave men and women who put their lives on the line for their countryfolk. I was watching the D-Day coverage today on the TV and what those people must have gone through on that day, and in every battle before or since.

I have also stood in the American and British cemeteries in Normandy and seen the thousands of graves of servicemen who made the ultimate sacrifice.

We owe you a lot.

Thank you.


Thanks KitKat.
First, I was just annoyed a bit that more people had not put a post on here, remembering all the people who had fought for us.

My old Dad was born in Uddingston, Glasgow, and fought under General Montgomery ,during the 2nd world war.

Maybe,if he was still alive today, I could have asked him for a comment.
He was proud to fight for his country though,as you say you were.

Like you say mate, they are gone, but will never be forgotten.

I am pleased that this anniversary of the D Day landings has been so heavily covered. It’s a great tribute to those who took part, many who were very young, about 19 years old. I don’t know how you can get hold of the courage to storm the beaches under heavy fire whilst all around friends are being maimed and killed. I’m also very glad that I’ve never had to find out.
I know there are many stories of soldiers in the campaign for Europe, but my great uncle one has one that was unusual. He was at the front line of the campaign through Italy. However he was a conciseness objector and therefore he refused to carry arms, but was a medic and also an interpreter so they kept him at the front to interrogate POW’s and get information from the locals.

I’ve just caught this post,it’s not that people don’t I think it’s finding the right words to express how deeply those events touch me.Every year I hear things and see things from and about the old soldiers that somehow seem more incredible than the previous year.They get fewer every year but I’ll never forget the sacrifice that generation and the one before made.

This was the last Major remembrance for so many of these men and women, unfortunately most of them wont be there for the 70th.

So God bless all of them every single and last one of them not only them but other servicepeople since the Second world war who have fought with honour and pride to keep this and other countries free and democratic.

God Bless.

We will NEVER forget.

Nothing more to say…

"They shall not grow old, as we that are left grow old.
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun, and in the morning – we shall remember them."


wot else can you say to that,nice one rikki

Thank you Rikki.

That sums it up…thanks Rikki

Rikki, thanks for that mate a nice thought, well done. (As he reaches for another Kleenex).

Next month I will be going over to Bayeux the last time I was over there was two years ago, seeing all those young lads buried is a eye opener, one particular cemetery I visit contains just fortyseven graves the youngest lad being sixteen years old.