Czech Import Vietnamese and Indian Drivers

AMAZING … ncies.html

so will we soon see vietnamese and indian drivers over here, side swiping cars on teh M25 and ■■■■■■■■ in laybys and knocking up a curry at the side of the road.

i am not generalising these people, i am sure they are very nice people but i have visited both countries on my travels and have no wish what so ever to go back there as i found thier standard of living totally sub standard for anyone.

AMAZING … ncies.html

so will we soon see vietnamese and indian drivers over here, side swiping cars on teh M25 and ■■■■■■■■ in laybys and knocking up a curry at the side of the road.

i am not generalising these people, i am sure they are very nice people but i have visited both countries on my travels and have no wish what so ever to go back there as i found thier standard of living totally sub standard for anyone.

I caught one already tossing it off :wink:

Greedy bosses using driver shortage again.
The only shortage they have is a shortage of MUGS.

It’s just the way the world is going. You can’t un-invent Capitalism. The Vietnamese are cheaper than us, end of!

its only a matter of time, before the headline in the kazakstahn daily drivel is, " kazak hauliers too employ uk drivers"
high 5 :smiley:

Power always moves eastwards. Always has done.

Not an entirely new thing; Bata shoes were emplyoing bangladeshi women back in early 1990’s.

These days, it’s just getting more and more common, people commute to work huge distances… I don’t think there’s a shortage of drivers. Rather, there’s shortage of cheap labour force. Or better, high demand for higher and growing profits. Let’s call it greed.

Several hauliers in Slovakia have already been employing Serbians; voices to lift quotas on working permits for Ukrainians are more and more frequent and louder.
It’s all not only because many drivers have gone driving abroad (DE, ES, UK, IE…) for better money, it’s also because the economy has kicked off and people have the choice they did not have before. Now one can decide whether to be a lorry driver, to wake up to alarm clock at rubbish times, be away days and weeks and when at home arguing with boss over hours and expenses or to work in a car factory, fixed working time, company bus picking him up every morning and dropping of you every afternoon, company subsidised food, less responsibilities, more spare time, the same money…

Good or bad I don’t know. But it’s been clear to me since long ago that the world does not belong to europeans or americans anymore. It’s asians that are at the controls…

its only a matter of time, before the headline in the kazakstahn daily drivel is, " kazak hauliers too employ uk drivers"
high 5 :smiley:

:smiley: Have they already started talks with the EU■■? The farthest you can get a driving job at the moment (without extra paperwork) is Estonia or Bulgaria

I was talking to the man on the Chennai Omnibus about this very thing :wink:

Harry Monk:
It’s just the way the world is going.

Going? Its always been like that since time began!

Harry Monk:
You can’t un-invent Capitalism.

No, but you can call it what it is…explotation.

I agree in general with what you say, just had to tidy that point up !!

Does this mean I’m going to have to dodge even MORE crazy people on Europe’s highways and byways■■? Ye gods, it’s mad enough with the ditch diving crazies already…

Yes like dodging female drivers in blue DAF 105`s

Yes like dodging female drivers in blue DAF 105`s

Tart! :smiling_imp: