Cyclists Who Drive

Why are cyclists ( and other weekenders) allowed to fit a flimsy rack thing onto the back of their cars and overload it with more bikes than its designed for, covers the lights and number plates of their cars and drive around with impunity?

Surely they are committing an offence by doing this? Gets right up my nose!

It is illegal and they do get stopped, but in these days of relience on cameras for road traffic enforcement there aren’t that many traffic cops on patrol to spend their time stopping every vehicle committing an offence.

Gets right up my nose when I see a lorry with a load that is not secured properly.Probably more common than what you mention but I do not come on here and whinge about.

Gets right up my nose when I see a lorry with a load that is not secured properly.Probably more common than what you mention but I do not come on here and whinge about.

Classic statement from trucknets biggest troll :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Gets right up my nose when I see a lorry with a load that is not secured properly.Probably more common than what you mention but I do not come on here and whinge about.

Must be one of the few subjects on here you don’t whinge about.

Gets right up my nose when I see a lorry with a load that is not secured properly.Probably more common than what you mention but I do not come on here and whinge about.

Get on your bike and ■■■■ off to cycle net every ■■■■■■■ post about bikes your on it ■■■■■■■■ how truckers are worst
do you get paid or something for every cyclist you know nothing about and you defend on here

I’ve noticed most of these people with the cycle carriers normally don’t have a clue or any idea how to drive with a overhang I’ve seen loads of these where the bike is hanging off as they’ve put to many on or not properly secured, or where they are totally clueless whats happening behind them due to it blocking there rear view and not using there side mirrors

It is a hazard, I would report it to the police next time I see it if I were you, they will thank you for it.

Not a troll.Just not a small minded person like some on here.So many love to criticize others but cannot take it when they are criticized.
I think you will find lorries shedding loads is a far bigger problem than cars losing bikes!
If you feel so strong about my realistic views prove me wrong instead of calling me names.

Hiya …i was on the m62 a few years back. a ford galaxy people carrier passed me carrying
some bikes on a rack, then ssscrunch all the lot went straight under the front bumper.
bikes carrier numberplate board and lights… well they did,nt stop so i did,nt bother.
his loss not mine. anyhow it was friday night and i was home boundwith 23 tons of bagged lime.

OK, heres something I can do both sides on.

First of all, what makes you qualified in any way to know whether they are carrying more bikes than the rack is designed for?

Do you know the make of rack? Do you or can you quantify how many bikes each respective rack is designed to carry?

For once I actually agree with albion, I’ve seen far more insecure loads in commercial vehicles than I have badly loaded cycle racks.

That said, I also do agree about the number plates and lights issue. Every time I sold a rack, not only did I have to fit it first time (to ensure that it was the correct rack for vehicle and requirements) but also had to advise them of said safety rules on use of the rack.

Don’t get me wrong, I have seen some badly loaded racks, and also some overloaded racks (but then I know what I’m looking at) and it does annoy me, and have also seen the results of said racks when it does eventually go wrong.

(but then I know what I’m looking at)

Maybe the OP knows what he’s looking at?

(but then I know what I’m looking at)

Maybe the OP knows what he’s looking at?

Maybe he does but he hasn’t quantified it except to use descriptive terms that soeone who does know about cycle racks would not…

Hiya …i was on the m62 a few years back. a ford galaxy people carrier passed me carrying
some bikes on a rack, then ssscrunch all the lot went straight under the front bumper.
bikes carrier numberplate board and lights… well they did,nt stop so i did,nt bother.
his loss not mine. anyhow it was friday night and i was home boundwith 23 tons of bagged lime.

That had better have been strapped properly… :wink:

(but then I know what I’m looking at)

Maybe the OP knows what he’s looking at?

If the OP knew what he was looking at then, surely the OP would not ask the question?

Surely they are committing an offence by doing this?

I think he does know, I would say it was a question designed to provoke a response rather than to need answering.

Albion 1971? Never heard of him/her?!

amisboy - I don’t know about any of the info you posted about and I don’t care to be honest.

All I do know is that they look unstable/unsafe/dangerous in SOME cases and should one ever fall off it would cause chaos and if one was involved in a rear end shunt (as seen on any weekend on any motorway in the land) then those pesky handle bars might have an eye out or something more horrid! Think of the poor children for goodness sake!

We are taught not to drink and drive but people still do! :wink: :wink: :wink:

Nuff said I think! :wink:


Hiya …i was on the m62 a few years back. a ford galaxy people carrier passed me carrying
some bikes on a rack, then ssscrunch all the lot went straight under the front bumper.
bikes carrier numberplate board and lights… well they did,nt stop so i did,nt bother.
his loss not mine. anyhow it was friday night and i was home boundwith 23 tons of bagged lime.

That had better have been strapped properly… :wink:

Nah, the weight will hold it down :wink:

I remember an occasion when driving my old Discovery that having a few bikes on the back might have been quite helpful at a ‘safety’ camera. :smiley:

Think I might have forgotten to put on the trailer board.


Hiya …i was on the m62 a few years back. a ford galaxy people carrier passed me carrying
some bikes on a rack, then ssscrunch all the lot went straight under the front bumper.
bikes carrier numberplate board and lights… well they did,nt stop so i did,nt bother.
his loss not mine. anyhow it was friday night and i was home boundwith 23 tons of bagged lime.

That had better have been strapped properly… :wink:

They weren’t he had left with 24 tons :laughing:

They are a pain in the arse either on the back of a car or on the road.horses are the same.if they want to use the roads let them pay the same as the rdst of us