Cyclist Training!

I was in the Burntwood/Sutton Coldfield area today and saw what appeared to be some training for cyclists going on. A few minutes later I was waiting to turn right at some lights, car in front of me and two cyclists in high vis in front of the car.
Everybody turns right when it’s clear and the two cyclists proceed to cycle directly in the middle of our lane so there’s no way cars can get past. It was a 30mph road, single carriageway and fairly busy. It appeared that the woman was coaching the guy and telling him to ride in the middle of the lane whilst she did too. They then decided they were going to turn left so instead of turn left they both went into the middle of the road so they were basically on the white lines but had their arms out indicating they were going to turn left, I think it was to stop anybody from trying to overtake. They then both went into a middle school where I saw lots of other cyclists doing maneuvers etc. in high vis.

I’m a mountain biker, I keep off the roads where I can and stay in the woods. I also have a road bike but stick to country lanes and always let cars past. What I saw today was 100% done to stop any vehicles overtaking. This IMO will only annoy other road users and probably end up with a cyclist getting hit still. I hope this is’nt being rolled out across the country as if it is nobody will ever be able to overtake a cyclist again. Just for the record, I was’nt driving a HGV

I was in the Burntwood/Sutton Coldfield area today and saw what appeared to be some training for cyclists going on. A few minutes later I was waiting to turn right at some lights, car in front of me and two cyclists in high vis in front of the car.
Everybody turns right when it’s clear and the two cyclists proceed to cycle directly in the middle of our lane so there’s no way cars can get past. It was a 30mph road, single carriageway and fairly busy. It appeared that the woman was coaching the guy and telling him to ride in the middle of the lane whilst she did too. They then decided they were going to turn left so instead of turn left they both went into the middle of the road so they were basically on the white lines but had their arms out indicating they were going to turn left, I think it was to stop anybody from trying to overtake. They then both went into a middle school where I saw lots of other cyclists doing maneuvers etc. in high vis.

I’m a mountain biker, I keep off the roads where I can and stay in the woods. I also have a road bike but stick to country lanes and always let cars past. What I saw today was 100% done to stop any vehicles overtaking. This IMO will only annoy other road users and probably end up with a cyclist getting hit still. I hope this is’nt being rolled out across the country as if it is nobody will ever be able to overtake a cyclist again. Just for the record, I was’nt driving a HGV

You should give a cyclist the same amount of space when passing as you would a car, so if you can’t pass safely, don’t pass.

It’s called a commanding road position.

BUT, I agree 100% with what you say, it’s great being in the right, but doesn’t help much if you’re dead, I ride about 1’ from the kurb so I’m not hindering anyone too much but have still got a little wiggle room if some muppet decides his mirror back would look good on my arse.

I ride about 6 inches out from the edge of double yellow lines. It’s enough to keep away from sunken drains and gives cars enough room to pass. I also teach my kids to do the same. If I am out with my kids I do tend to ride further out in the road behind them (another 6 inches)

I went into a bike shop last summer to buy some kit and an old boy who worked there told me he cycled one metre from the kerb. Thats quite along way out from the kerb.

The cyclists I saw today were well over the top. Don’t forget I’m a cyclist too, I’m not hating on cyclists. I just don’t like the fact that they were riding right in the middle of the road to purposely stop anybody from overtaking. Whether or not it’s a ‘commanding road position’ won’t matter when they’ve been knocked off for holding up somebody for the last quarter of a mile. I guarantee it will happen if they ride like that, car drivers will go mental

I totally agree that some cyclists need training but the vast majority are probably car drivers so SHOULD have basic highway code knowledge.
I also think a lot of so called professional drivers need some re training.They are the ones that have already been trained but some are as bad if not worse than the cyclists.
Almost everyday I see agression from both sides and not much courtesy.

All cyclists should have pass a proficiency test.
Nothing fancy, but one that is a start to being on the road as a road user.
The amount of cyclists I see that want to turn left or right, but don’t look behind before commencing a manoeuvre is a joke.
You could also include a part to not undertake large vehicles at junctions too.
I daresay that most cyclists will scoff at such a proposal, as they’ve been on the road for 20+ years etc, but still.

Quite right David they would scoff at such training after being on the road for about 20 years because they think they know it all.
Unfortunately the same could be said for a lot of truck drivers.Mention anything about a re test and they will tell you they do not require it as they have been driving for years but when you see the way some drive they should not even hold a licence.

When I was at school in the late 60s we used to have somebody come and train u and we got the cycling proficiency badge. They should make it law that you wear a certified helmet as well.

Does all this cyclist training your calling for, go as far as your kids never playing out on a cul-de-sack until their got the so called cyclist qualification!

When the Goverment is trying to encourage more cycle journeys and for more people to take up cycling do you really think there going to start banning cyclists from the roads and start regulating them.

DCPC anyone?

As a LGV driver and a cyclist and someone that has been involved with training I understand that while training is definitely essential it is not always a solution for bad driving or bad cycle riders.
Some people take training seriously while others just put up with it to get their licence.Take for example the car test.A simple basic test that only requires minimal driving standards to pass.Not only that there is to much luck invoved in passing.Once they pass that is when they should learn how to drive properly and that applies to LGV as well.
Unfortunately this is rarely the case with most thinking once they pass their test they can drive.They carry on regardless,forget most of which they were taught,slip into bad habits and tell everyone how good a driver they are.Re training or re testing is the only way forward.
My point is even if they introduce a compulsory cycle test very little will change.In reality it is peoples attitudes that need to change and that includes all types of drivers and cyclists.

As a LGV driver and a cyclist and someone that has been involved with training I understand that while training is definitely essential it is not always a solution for bad driving or bad cycle riders.
Some people take training seriously while others just put up with it to get their licence.Take for example the car test.A simple basic test that only requires minimal driving standards to pass.Not only that there is to much luck invoved in passing.Once they pass that is when they should learn how to drive properly and that applies to LGV as well.
Unfortunately this is rarely the case with most thinking once they pass their test they can drive.They carry on regardless,forget most of which they were taught,slip into bad habits and tell everyone how good a driver they are.Re training or re testing is the only way forward.
My point is even if they introduce a compulsory cycle test very little will change.In reality it is peoples attitudes that need to change and that includes all types of drivers and cyclists.


I did some BTEC a few weeks back.
One guy on the course could hardly speak english, and yet he still passed!!
On paper, he has the same BTEC as me, and yet probably has no clue what the course was about.

It’s all very well sending people on training courses, but if they don’t implement that training on the road, then it’s pointless.

Quite right David they would scoff at such training after being on the road for about 20 years because they think they know it all.
Unfortunately the same could be said for a lot of truck drivers.Mention anything about a re test and they will tell you they do not require it as they have been driving for years but when you see the way some drive they should not even hold a licence.
