"Cyclist Safety Mirrors" in Manchester areas

Could this road hold the answer to all or some of the deaths on the road, namely either cyclists or pedestrians?

I have noticed this road has recently had big wide angle mirrors placed on top of the traffic lights, I was stopped at a red, and noticed the mirror, gave me a complete view of the front and side of the cab and trailer - A MUCH BETTER view than the 2 tiny “Blind Spot” mirrors on the cab (Front/NS Top)

It is a great idea, now I know it is cyclist’s fault when they put themselves in stupid positions when passing trucks, but something as simple as this in London would be a great idea, and eliminates any blind spots.

Has anyone else noticed them? what do you think?

Found a Linky

I’ve noticed them, but can’t see the point in them.

I’ve got them on the lights outside my house and my missus pointed them out to me, and they’d been there weeks, even now I don’t use them.

Typical council wasting money before the end of the tax year - shall we repair the fubar’d roads?? No, we’ll buy some mirrors and fit some new speed bumps :smiling_imp:

I think they are a good idea waynedl, I must admit at a quick glance before setting off, I could see everything I would normally need to look in 4 mirrors to see.

If it saves one life, the whole thing will be worthwhile IMO.

I think they are a good idea waynedl, I must admit at a quick glance before setting off, I could see everything I would normally need to look in 4 mirrors to see.

If it saves one life, the whole thing will be worthwhile IMO.

Totally agree anything that improves safety , if people are prepared to use them.
Seen them in another place a few months ago. hope to see more.

theres also some on the five way lights outside Tameside hospital on the mossley road so its not just ombc spending tameside doing the same

theres also some on the five way lights outside Tameside hospital on the mossley road so its not just ombc spending tameside doing the same

Better link here
manchestereveningnews.co.uk/ … er-6674526

They are doing a lot around Manchester.

They are being paid for by the DFT out of the “Safety” budget, im not sure of it is the same budget that pays for “safety camera’s” but I know which I would prefer

Edit: missed the magic word, the pot is the cycle safety pot, but still funded by DFT rather than the local councils

theres also some on the five way lights outside Tameside hospital on the mossley road so its not just ombc spending tameside doing the same

Those are the ones I am on about - right outside my house


theres also some on the five way lights outside Tameside hospital on the mossley road so its not just ombc spending tameside doing the same

Those are the ones I am on about - right outside my house

Have you ever seen/used them from a truck though? I am guessing they are useless when looking at them from a car.



theres also some on the five way lights outside Tameside hospital on the mossley road so its not just ombc spending tameside doing the same

Those are the ones I am on about - right outside my house

Have you ever seen/used them from a truck though? I am guessing they are useless when looking at them from a car.

Yes, I worked for R Plevin when they were installed. Honestly, I find the mirrors on the truck better and more instinctive and natural.
It’s what I do everywhere, so is just natural whereas looking for a mirror that may or may not be there, then trying to get what you’re actually seeing / expecting to see into your head, then the lights change.

As I said, in my opinion, a waste of money - 1 link there said £650,000 and I’m not sure if that was just for the Bolton ones - seriously, we’ve got an Ikea down the road with mirrors from a quid :imp:

Totally agree Wayne the cost is a joke, how is it so much? Is it because the council are doing the job of fitting the mirrors and it takes them about 6 month to finish the job? :wink:

£650,000 is the cost of all the ones that are being done in the Manchester area.

The cost is high because they are not cheap mirrors, they are not the same as the pound land mirrors. The cost also includes the road works too, like painting an ASL/Cycle Box. It soon adds up.

Either way, the money would be spent on cycle safety rather than anything else, so I see them as a good option. It could have spent on a cycle lane instead?

The mirrors are £96 + vat EACH - say 4 per junction, the cost is for 176 junctions to be improved which will include resurfacing costs, labour, materials and all the usual council consulting costs.

safeoptions.co.uk/convex-saf … -50cm.html