

I’ll happily help but I need you to be a lot more specific than that as container work can cover a real multitude of sins!

Here’s some basic pointers as to what I need to know…

1.Which port or railhead will you be running out of? They all have different systems.
2. Any idea whether it’s Deep Sea or Short Sea work (although can probably work it out from the above) or which Shipping Line it is? Or even just which firm it’ll be for?
3. Rigid or Artic?

I can’t give you the “ins and outs” in one reply - I’ve been doing this kind of work for 5 years now and it isn’t as simple as meets the eye, I’m still learning stuff. Anyone that tells you otherwise hasn’t done very much! :wink:

Will try and put you right if you can give me the info above though…Or if you’re really worried, I’ll PM a contact number if you like, in case anything needs answering “on the spot” as it were. :bulb:

Bascially get some massive box dumped on your trailer drive hell for leather down the A14 gnoring all speed limits / overtaking time trials to get to your destination 10 mins earlier.

Get told you’ve got a 3 hour wait. Winge about this. Actually spend 10 hours there and drive hell for leather back.

Did I miss anything?

sleep while waiting,and dont get in the back.

Don’t forget to take plenty of spare bulbs just in case for when you upset the loaders and they drop one on you from a height. :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Do you have to sit in the truck while a crane dangles a container 40ft above you? Can just imagine ending up as a messy picture on the internet somehwere… :confused:

Do you have to sit in the truck while a crane dangles a container 40ft above you? Can just imagine ending up as a messy picture on the internet somehwere… :confused:

Nah, standing outside with a hard hat on offers a lot more protection.

same as lucy need a wee bit more info there is a lot more to it that meets the eye and no am not kidding either

but the genaral gist is be prepared to wait either at the drop or pick up have something to do eg: read crosswords after all you can only sleep so much

if your not sure ask most docks have certain procedures some want you to stand outside others want you to stay in the cab while getting a box on/off

if your gaffer gives you a job that needs to there there mega urgent the worlds goin to end his kid’s will starve the shipping company wnt pay him etc stuff it stick to the speed limits the world wnt end his kids wnt starve it will be there when it gets there and not before you will not get any better thought of !

as for the container’s themselves never get in the back (on deep sea boxes )
take it steady some boxes can be top heavy dnt go bananna’s round ■■■■■’s it’s not big and it’s not clever as a rule most places wil have you out in 3 hour;'s because after that it will cost them money .

and finally it’s not the best paid job out there most firm’s pay by the hour avoid the ones that pay on mileage ( i am assumming your are an employed driver )
mileage is all well and good but if you get stuffed at the dock’s inland terminals or at a customer you dnt get paid for it :imp:

yes it is easy work in principal you dnt get dirty but itcan be mindnumbingly dull if your on tramping it pay’s to be self sufficent food and drink wise !!!

i have had the misfortune to be stuck at a customer for 2 days before now
so food and brewing tackle are a must (got paid right through for that one :smiley: )

right am rambling on a bit if you need to know anything specific send me a pm or post up on here :sunglasses:

Saw 2 of Newell & Wrights finest going over Woodhead last night empty like they were in rally cars, must have been desperate for a pint :open_mouth:

if your not sure ask most docks have certain procedures some want you to stand outside others want you to stay in the cab while getting a box on/off

Stay in the cab while a heavy lump of metals swinging over your head! ■■■■ that!

Never done boxes, and no real intention of but surely the HS brigade have though of that one before now.