Customers offering you Tea or Coffee

Another thing that strikes me actually…

You had 3 blokes on the dray, I know they usually have 2 now…was 3 the standard in the past?

When I was in the pub trade and running my own pub in the early 80’s every delivery we had from the brewery had three men on the dray. Our pub was right next door to the brewery and we used to get the first delivery at 06:00 and it was standard practice to offer a drink to the draymen after the delivery was complete, the two non drivers always had pints but the driver had a soft drink. I never saw one driver at any of the pubs I worked in over a 6 year period have anything but a soft drink, thankfully.

Anybody ever delivered to “Ultrabuild” Newtownstewart Co.Tyrone?
Every time “Monty’s” drivers do a drop there usually around 10am Sat mornings, its a cuppa,two large sausage rolls and a big cream bun shoved in your hands no questions asked :laughing:

Big Truck:
Anybody ever delivered to “Ultrabuild” Newtownstewart Co.Tyrone?
Every time “Monty’s” drivers do a drop there usually around 10am Sat mornings, its a cuppa,two large sausage rolls and a big cream bun shoved in your hands no questions asked :laughing:

no i havent, but am willing to give it a try !

I think you’ll find there is a queue Odds. :wink: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

I say he, I never saw any lady drivers working on the drays

I saw a lady driving one the other day, I had to wait with my crisps while they tipped.

My agency offered me a job on a dray the other day, but in the end they wouldn’t have me cos of the insurance.

I found out about this “perk” the hard way!!
Sitting in a greasy spoon at the end of the M1 in N.Ireland getting stuck into an Ulster fry when in walks another one of Monty’s drivers and says “Aren’t you doing the drop at Ultrabuild?” “aye” says I, he laughs “you stupid arse,you get a feed down there when you do the drop” :open_mouth: :blush:
Needless to say coming back up the road after availing of this hospitality the truck went down to 4 miles/gallon due to the extra weight a certain driver was packing :exclamation: :exclamation: :laughing:

I think you’ll find there is a queue Odds. :wink: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

that would mean more tea and sausage rolls then ■■ o aint queues good sometimes !!! yes mate after you ?

Well done to all of you, some really good tales there :smiley:

As for the dray work, I just couldn’t do it, 90% non drinker I would be on the floor after 3 pints :cry: Added to that, I got this thing about drink driving & it’s probably the only rule in the book I can honestly say I havn’t done !

I can see now why most refuse our offer, I just assume everybody is a hot drinker like me & in different circumstances I would be the same (dray work would refuse all day long unless the coffee was hot :slight_smile:)

I like the laxative trick too, maybe get some in stock for when we get a muppet driver in, hope he accepts our hospitality :smiley:

ha the beauties of being a drayman,in the interest of road safety i only drimk J20 or tea when driving .but when i decied to be mate for a change ,its a pint of cask nearly every drop .how many drops , between 9 to 12.

A lot of the places we go to on the continent always offer you a coffee,but the only regular one in the UK is Jaguar,Halewood,and that’s only in one department.
Used to load in Ijmuiden,Holland on a Friday evening,fresh fish for Italy,and while you were waiting they’d send someone down to the local restaurant for steak and chips for us all.Luvvly Jubbly :wink: :wink: