Customers Boring You To Death

Are you in a job where your customers go into details of their day to day running? For example, tipper drivers, skip drivers and builders merchants customers will waffle on and on about their projects, while food delivery drivers get the “this doesn’t cook well with…”
Delivering flour, I get sleep inducing bollox like “this flour will mix without improver if you use (insert some % crap about yeast) but can I…?” and I’m expected to 1-Know what they’re on about and 2-Actually give a rats arse.
Anyone else?

Truck drivers will gladly talk to the cows come home about a sob story home life with all the details while your food is going cold but the other way round they do not want to know your stories.When their hot food arrives.
It is the same song from the same hymn sheet which goes like this: Got to such a place at this time,took so many pallets off.Only had so much time to get to next place and so on.

I just get “you’re late” or “I’m not going to get paid overtime for doing this, want to go home” :imp:

If you just deliver flour (a very boring product), and someone is finding a way to delay you by asking you questions about flour, then they are probably taking the ■■■■.

Or you get " I did not order this, you may have to take it all back.".
Or you are late or the normal driver that does the run.can be here at such a time.Where have you been. Asleep in the lay by.!

Love the “Your late !”

Then its a 5 minute chat about time/distance/speed, my start of shift etc.

I then tell them, I,m on £19 an hour, don’t care about delays and it shuts them up :laughing:

Or you get " I did not order this, you may have to take it all back.".
Or you are late or the normal driver that does the run.can be here at such a time.Where have you been. Asleep in the lay by.!

I just used to say okay don’t unload it - sign unwanted on the notes, never took one back yet, they think its unique but we hear it all the time.

Did a hotel in Mayfair once, couple of pallets of bog rolls for housekeeping.

Rest of the wagon appeared appeared to be full of drinking straws.

Suddenly, Indian guy pops out of the shadows. Wants to know what all the straws are for. Suddenly remembered he needed some straws, but wasn’t sure what type.

Turns out he’d ordered 40 cases of each type we supply, so he could have a root around, and send back the 280 cases he didn’t actually want. God knows where they are now. I told him I needed a collection reference number, jumped in the cab to “use the phone”

And left!

Words I never want to hear, but hear quite often, which usually invoke a negative response from myself.

“What time do you call this?”

“You’re gonna have to take it up the stairs.”

“I never ordered this.”

“Where have you been?”

“We can’t take deliveries between 12 and 2.”

“The manager’s away with the safe key, you’ll have to wait till he gets back to get paid.”

All grief I could honestly do without.

Everyone wants to yarn there ■■■■ at everyone and at the same time no one wants to hear anyone’s bs. Same everywhere. Till work is the worst for this as the customers have you cornerd and thay know it to :unamused: .

I then tell them, I,m on £19 an hour, don’t care about delays and it shuts them up


If you just deliver flour (a very boring product), and someone is finding a way to delay you by asking you questions about flour, then they are probably taking the ■■■■.

We also do imported French flour, so we get camp chefs with Allo Allo accents asking us questions we don’t know, and really don’t want to learn.
Getting asked to rotate their stock pees me off. Fine if it’s a couple of bags but you’ll find me very uncooperative after I’ve carried 1t upstairs to find yo want me to shift half a ton of last weeks flour. It was probably milled the same or following day anyway. That’s the problem with food deliveries; Why do customers think the driver is also their temporary storesman?

Had a customer a few weeks ago ranted at me that I was a day late and I should have been there by Tuesday. It was Monday… :open_mouth: :unamused: How they managed that I still haven’t figured out.

Had a customer a few weeks ago ranted at me that I was a day late and I should have been there by Tuesday. It was Monday… :open_mouth: :unamused: How they managed that I still haven’t figured out.

Sounds a bit like a little packaging firm you’ll be aware of on Harwood Road (cough cough)

I love it when you get your late.

My reply is always why what have I missed, their face is always a picture of pure shock.

An Italian lady and her teenage son wanted the big sowing machine they ordered to be carried up the stairs in a warehouse.
A farmer tells me on the phone that he has left his tractors keys in the ignition so i can tip myself at the farm.
I could not get the tractor to start or move it.Then the farmer walks up from the farm house.I thought he was out for the day.¡

Words I never want to hear, but hear quite often, which usually invoke a negative response from myself.

“What time do you call this?”

“You’re gonna have to take it up the stairs.”

“I never ordered this.”

“Where have you been?”

“We can’t take deliveries between 12 and 2.”

“The manager’s away with the safe key, you’ll have to wait till he gets back to get paid.”

All grief I could honestly do without.

And on farm deliveries, “He’s gone to market but I can show you where he wants it stacked”.

A farmer will run a mile if he is getting a flat bed load of fertilser bags to come off handball.
The wife will say on the phone he has a dodgy back or you find a note left in the barn to say put them here drive
Another yarn is he has just popped in to town.
While doing Euro work the agents would lie to the customer.When i arrive i would get a lecture of why i took so long and where had i been.
The agents had messed up the times so tell porkies at my expense.
If you told the client that was how long it took they would laugh in your face saying yeh right pull the other one.Soon backed down when you show the tachos.

I love it when you get your late.

My reply is always why what have I missed, their face is always a picture of pure shock.

:laughing: :laughing: going to have to start using that one!

A farmer will run a mile if he is getting a flat bed load of fertilser bags to come off handball.

Not any more mate. Don’t know if you’re aware, but someone went and invented a device called a “front loader” a few years ago. Fert now comes in 600kg totes and even a rufty tufty trucker like you wouldn’t handball them. :wink: