curtain slashed

i parked my truck up on Friday afternoon in our yard, came in this morning and during my walk round came across a lovely L shaped cut near the back of my curtain. just plain minded maliciousness, why not just open the rear door and have a look? no one would have been about anyway, and where it was cut wasn’t even shielded by other trucks! Patrick,Ian,Kevin,Ewan & Young Stephen are the likely suspects, having commandeered a local playing field for the last few weeks.

People like this should be lined up against a wall and shot in the face!

or have a slender glass rod pushed down thier japs eye and then smashed,

or have a slender glass rod pushed down thier japs eye and then smashed,

Or sat on a greasy broomstick with barbed wire wrapped tightly round it…

low life scumbags a good beating would soon sort the [zb] out

People like this should be lined up against a wall and shot in the face!

too quick and not painful enough

put slits in face pour acid into cuts then set lowlife scum on fire and watch them burn whilst roasting marshmellows and drinking a beer or coke

L Shaped cut in curtain, in my experience, if someone reversed into the side of your curtainsider with another truck, it always left a nice L shaped cut :cry:

JLS Driver SOS:
L Shaped cut in curtain, in my experience, if someone reversed into the side of your curtainsider with another truck, it always left a nice L shaped cut :cry:

You must of had a very low curtainside to do that. :unamused: :question: :laughing:

step frame

JLS Driver SOS:
L Shaped cut in curtain, in my experience, if someone reversed into the side of your curtainsider with another truck, it always left a nice L shaped cut :cry:

they also did the truck parked up next to mine, ive told the boss I’ll be leaving the curtain pulled slightly back in future just as I do when parked up for the night.
loving all the suggestions, you are a wicked lot!!!

I had a ■■■■■ in a tautliner once, and the grtification when I saw a small pool of blood on the floor underneath it. ■■■■■■ must have cut himself :wink: