Currys/dixons in Newark

Just looking for a bit of info, is this place a quick tip or do they keep you hanging about for ages??

Reason i ask is i start at 5:30am on Monday and I’ve a few things to do before finishing up with a 16:15 booking at currys/dixons, I’m just concerned about running out of time there if they take ages tipping. A driver at my place said he was there for 4 hours last week, I don’t know if he was winding me up or not, I’ll run out of time if that’s a normal tip

Just depends what your going in with, a container full of hand ball and you can expect 4 hrs, a taut full of white product a couple of hours max generally, also depends on how many are being tipped or waiting when you get there, same as any big site. There is little parking in the immediate area either if you run out of time.

Phantom Mark:
Just depends what your going in with, a container full of hand ball and you can expect 4 hrs, a taut full of white product a couple of hours max generally, also depends on how many are being tipped or waiting when you get there, same as any big site.

Yeah I’d expect them sort of times for the examples you give, I’m bringing in 22 pallets of microwaves, all the same make/model, was hoping that would mean it wouldn’t take too long.

Well your load lends itself to a more sensible tip.

Watch out for the security on that site btw, they are really up their own backsides, more so than usual, out of all of them there is only a couple of reasonable ones work on the gate.

I used to work there btw, both as a loader / unloader, and as a driver until the end of last year approx.

Phantom Mark:
Well your load lends itself to a more sensible tip.

Watch out for the security on that site btw, they are really up their own backsides, more so than usual, out of all of them there is only a couple of reasonable ones work on the gate.

I used to work there btw, both as a loader / unloader, and as a driver until the end of last year approx.

Cheers for the info mate. One last question, do they let you in if you arrive early?? I’ll probably be able to get there about 14:00, that’ll be 2 1/4 hours early

Sorry mate, no idea, never delivered as a supplier, have only ever seen drivers turned away when they are a day early or something silly from the EU when I have happend to be coming in at the same time.

One other thing, just in case. When you come off the roundabout from the A17 you immediately come to another one, turn LEFT !!

When we used to take containers in there they were hit and miss about getting in early, worth a try but dont get your hopes up.

As for the security, i was asked one day if they could search the cab on the way out, i said no (cos i was in a bad mood) and he went and got his supervisor. I had a right ding dong with them until i pointed out that the only people authorised to search my cab without a warrant or suspecting a crime has been committed was hm customs. Stayed there about 20 minutes while they ■■■■■■ about then they let me go without searching it. If he had asked nicely i would had let them have a look but he just yanked my door open and said ‘cab search, jump down driver!’ not a good move to someone thats been sat in a poxy room for 3 hours!

Yeah I’d expect them sort of times for the examples you give, I’m bringing in 22 pallets of microwaves, all the same make/model, was hoping that would mean it wouldn’t take too long.

Be careful what u say on here, as someone could make a nice profit off 22plts of microwaves!! Just saying